When Should Baby Go From Bassinet to Crib?
- A bassinet is a cozy alternative to a crib for newborn babies. Bassinets such as the Eden Convertible Bassinet and the Kolcraft Cuddle N Care Rocking Bassinet can be used until the baby is 3 months or 15 pounds.
- Bassinets come with a specially fitted mattress, and a parent should not add bedding, blankets or bumpers. Specifically sized, fitted sheets should be used for optimal safety.
- The transition from bassinet to crib should be done gradually, starting with putting baby in the crib for naps and moving to increasingly longer periods of time. A baby monitor will allow parents to hear when the infant wakes up.
- Bassinets are convenient, but they are not necessary baby equipment, as newborns can begin sleeping in a crib from day one.
- Babies must be moved out of the bassinet by the time they can sit or roll to prevent the possibility of falling out. Also be wary of using old fashioned bassinets, because they may not be up to modern safety standards.