How Do I Get a Knight so I Can Attack in "Kingdom of Camelot" on Facebook?
- 1). Start the game then click "Field" in the upper left corner of the game screen. Click an empty spot on the map then select the "Sawmill." This building produces wood, which is essential for training troops. Click "Build" to start the construction.
- 2). Click "City" in the upper left corner of the screen, click a blank spot and select "Cottage." This option allows you to build housing for your subjects to grow your population. Click "Build" to start construction then wait for it to finish.
- 3). Click an empty spot on the map and select "Knight's Hall." This building allows you to hire new knights and assign them roles. Click "Build" to start the construction. It will take six minutes for the building to complete.
- 4). Click the knight's hall once construction is complete. Click the blue "Appoint Knight" tab on the bottom of the screen then click one of your friends. You can only appoint people on your Facebook friend list.
- 5). Click "City" and click an empty spot. Select "Rally Point" then "Build" to start construction. The rally point is the position where you send your troops to attack. Select another empty spot and build a "Barracks" as well. Your knight needs troops to attack with.
- 6). Click the barracks once construction is complete then click the type of troop you want to train. Select the amount of troops you want to train and wait for their training to finish.
- 7). Click "Map" in the top left corner of the screen once your troops are ready. Your city is in the center of the map and other areas like barbarian camps, mountains and plains are also shown. Left click an area you want to attack and then click the blue "Attack" button.
- 8). Click the name of your knight from the drop down menu on the left side of the screen. Select the amount of troops you want to send out with your knight. All available troops are shown at the top of the screen. Click the blue "March" button on the bottom of the screen to send your knight off on an attack.
- 9). Check the bottom left corner of the game screen to see the progress of your knight and troops. Click "Messages" at the top of the screen then "View Reports" to see how the attack went.