How to Make Healthy Vending Machine Choices
- 1). One of the healthiest foods that is in many vending machines are pretzels. Pretzles make a filling yet low fat snack.
- 2). Avoid Twinkies and cupcakes. These are some of the most unhealthy foods you can purchase from a vending machine.
- 3). Look for Baked Lays. Baked Lays taste good, and they also are lower in fat and calories than Lays potato chips.
- 4). Buy a pack of gum from the vending machine. Research has shown that chewing gum can help curb your appetite and cravings.
- 5). If you have to buy a candy bar try to get a Three Musketeers. They are a lot lighter on the calories and fat than M&Ms and Snickers.