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Grade Schooler FAQ

Are cell phones for kids a worthy belief?
I'm thinking of getting my 10 year old a cellphone, so that when he goes out to play, I can call him to remind him it's time to come home, and at lowest possible I know where he's at. This is especially usefull in our neighborhood, where he sometimes loses track of time when he's playing...

Are in attendance any games where on earth children grow up to be elder?
Im bored. Im basically looking for a life simulation game. sims SIMS!! duh!! you make them pregnant, drown run and have friends and nearest and dearest!! but the sims 3 is 50 bucks which is goood!! you should buy it!! try sims 1, 2 and 3! they...

Are my babysitting flyers impressive?
I want to do some babysitting this summer to earn some extra cash. So, I am in the process of making little flyers on the computer. How do you think this looks?? Does it obligation anymore info?? Thanks!! BTW- my name, address, and phone number are changed! lol. LOOKING FOR A GREAT BABYSITTER? Hi! My name is Sarah...

Are nearby any job for 15 yr behind the times?
I'm 15 and it's really hard for me to find a job i mean it's so boring here and everyone is recitation me you have to be 16 but i can't wait that long PLEASE HELP ME!! My local chain grocery store hires baggers ate age 14. Try your local chain grocery store. You...

Are nearby any programs for an Unruly 10 year infirm within Oregon?
I have a cousin who at the age of ten, is one of the worst behaved kids I have ever see, he slaps his mom, screams at her and only does what he wants. His step-dad have no idea what to do. And neither does my Aunt. They don't discipline him and try...

Are tampons protected for a 12 year outmoded girl?
My daughter is wanting to wear tampons and we talked to her Dr. about it, her Dr. said that there be not a problem with it, but I feel uncomfortable more or less it because my mom made it out to be such a big deal when I was growing up. Am I being to "ripened...

Are these correct grades for my 11 y.o. sis going into 6th category?
O= Outstanding N= Needs Improvement S= Satisfactory Music= S+ P.E.= S Spelling= A+ Italian= S Art= S+ Health= S+ Char. Ed.= S+ Englsih= A Social Studies= A- Math= B- Science= A- Are these grades good? Yes. It means in adjectives of her classes she got...

Are you a spanker or non spanker?
I use smacking (spanking) as a last resort. I am a firm believer that an occasional smack has never damaged any child (I'm conversation a smack on the butt with an open hand, not hitting a child). Everyday I see out of control kids who are disrespectful, and rude, who have parents that proudly say 'I never smack...

Are you entitled to free university meal for your children?
If our children were in public university we would qualify for them, but we wouldn't take them. I've seen the meals and I don't perceive they are healthy enough or filling ample for growing kids. It wouldn't be my pride preventing me from accepting free school meals, but more my concern for...

As a 13 year dated boy, how do i control my hormones?
i exercize, like i go 2 a gym and work out there but sumtimes after it my capture 'sexually excited" and i start watching "videos" and start "squeezing it til it pops". how do i stop myself from doing this? you can't. its natural. merely think of something else. or stay busy with...

As a parent do you criticize unenthusiastic behavior short breaking a child's spirit?
No I do not criticize any behavior. I simply disipline my child and forget it. I load on the praise when she behaves though. first of all don't beat around the bush with children as this surrounded by many...

As a parent, when do you step it?
My 9 year old daughter has some challenges that effect her at academy. She has ADHD, an anxiety disorder and learning disabilities. We are in the process of treating adjectives of them with medication and therapy and tutoring. She is having some problems at academy with other kids calling her names like "retard" or...

At what age can I sign out my 9 and 10 year hoary home for 15 minutes?
My youngest starts school this year. His school starts an hour before my elder 2. The school is less than a half mile away and I would not set out them home alone until the youngest was comfortable enough to be dropped of quickly. They both...

At what age did you stop peeing contained by the pool?
If you don't pee in my pool I won't swim in your toilet. economically, the clohrine kills the germs. seriously, im in a bathing suit thats wet, its tough to take it off in a hurry, theline for the bathroom is resembling 10 feet long, What else am I supposed to...

At what age did your child lose his\her first tooth?
My son (who is 6) noticed a loose tooth this past Wednesday. He was impressively excited because he was one of the only kids in his class who hadn't lost one even so. It wasn't very loose, though. I figured it would take a week or two since it fell out. Well,...

At what age do you permit your child stay home alone?

my mom let me stay home alone since i was approaching 10 . I think that's alright. Especially since in that are adults home. About the 8 year olds home alone, NO. My mom let me stay home alone when I was 10 about 30 minutes. And consequently throughout that year...

At what age do you ruminate kids should..?
What age do think its appropriate to stop bathing your kids and trust that they will do a good enough chore washing them self's?? Ive got boys and girls from age 3 till 15 OH yah i have a 3 yr. girl and a 4 year dated boy when should I...

At what age does a child inevitability to start wearing deodorant?
my daughter is 6 and i can't honestly remember when i started wearing it and my mom can't either and honestly if she stunk i would make her wear it now but she doesn't but she does sweat alot Rofl.. Once she gets spike on her pits let her wear it =] That's...

At what age does a child stops drinking formula milk?
My child is 7 and is still drinking formula milk. She loves her milk. Some parents tell me its time to wean her off and perhaps put her on regular tetrapak Marigold /HL milk. Anyone next to advice in terms of the nutrition benefits and child nouns? Thanks! 7 years old? whole...

At what age does kid tooth leak out?
when in doubt, ask the dentist. continue to have him brush & floss each day. Normally 5 years behind the times. Your son is exactly right. That's normal, they usually start to loose their baby teeth at around 5-6 yrs old. Source(s): mom of 3

At what age should you be capable of date?
I'm 14 and going in to high school and my mom want tolerate me date yet do u think she's being neutral cause I really want to start dating My mom didn't allow me to date until I was 17. But even at that age I was retarded. I had a quirk of...

Attention Parents..HELP?
Every time my 7 year old son is asked to do something he doesn't want to do or gets in trouble - He say "I don't like this family! I'm running away! What do I say or do? my daughter does the same entry..they are just venting thier frustrations and saying things they suppose will get to you. she...

Autistic Brother OR ADHD/ADD ?
I have a 8 year old little brother, that was possibly dianosged next to autism ! But it's so hard for me to believe, so i was wondering if he really is here's some of thing's that he does that made the doctor's say he is ! Examples : - Sometimes he'll play by himself fairly than with others....

Average echelon and bulk of a first-grade age boy?
My son is 4' and weights 50 pounds he will be 7 next week average heightweight for 1st grade boy height- 7 foot 5 inches weight- 10 pounds. its ok if ur babe-in-arms is a short fatty. Search on "CDC growth charts" and you will get the same growth chart that...

Average size of a 12 year matured boy and a 14 year outdated boy?
i just saw my 12 year old son's penis and i thought it might be a little small and i be wondering what the average penis size of a 12-13 year old boy is who is going through puberty and ive seen my 14 year old sons and i be also...

Axel or Aksel, which spelling do you prefer?
Axel :) Although my predilection spelling of it is Axl, like Axl Rose :P Axel, definitely Axel :-) Axel! Ugly=aksel! Aksel is spelled in a sort of unique and interesting way, but inhabitants may pronounce it in a different way. Axel sounds like a incomparable name, and is a pretty...

Baby sitting some kids NEED HELP PRONTO?
well i'm baby sitting 4 kids if they r not watching tv they fight and cry, 3 boys and 1 grl they 2 r bros the other r cuzins so i want to know what they can do besides tv and video games. that they can adjectives play and be happy boy-8 boy-7 boy-5 girl-5 Welcome to...

Babysitters - did you ever own a parent ask you to spank if the child misbehaved?
Yeah right. You touch that kid and you can pretty much guarantee that you will have a lawsuit on your hands if they establish they don't like you. I smell a set up. never-and even if a parent asked me to, I would never EVER do...

Babysitting a 3 and 7 year out-of-date [boys].?
I will be babysitting a 3 year old boy and a 7 year old boy. What is something they can do together since there is a slight age difference. Or, different deeds that they can do at the same time, but I can still watch them and give them both attention. Also, what is...

Babysitting a 6 year ripened. HELP!?
You probably aren't going to like my answer but you SHOULD play with her.. first off she is your sister and she may be annoying right immediately but eventually you will want a good relationship with her and if you keep treating her that style she's not going to want to have one. But i can see the...

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