And That"s What Little Boys Are Made Of
Preparing a special room or nursery for a little boy is very fun, but it can be confusing when deciding what you need and the colors to choose, especially when there seems to be endless stores both online and brick-and-mortar to choose the things that you want.
Blue is the traditional color for a baby boy, but there are several things you can do to make this room feel updated and contemporary.
Try starting with a different shade of blue and coordinate it with some complimentary colors.
For example, light blue and chocolate brown is a new and trendy look.
Add some prints in accent pieces or accessories to make the room up to date.
A lot of parents prefer to decorate the baby's room in traditional colors or use a theme like cars, trucks, fire trucks etc.
In addition to the more traditional decorating where you might see blue throughout the room, is to try different color combinations to do something more modern or contemporary.
For example, putting together shades of blue with chocolate brown and adding a bright pop of color in pillows or other accent pieces.
Nautical seems to be big right now, so try a light blue with a dark blue and taupe or red for the pop of color.
You can also consider chocolate brown with any of the pastel shades.
Yummy! Another color combination is to try like a turquoise or aqua and white with pops of chocolate for accents.
The possibilities are endless! Once you start thinking along these lines, it will be hard to choose because most anything looks good! Using orange, bright reds, yellows and lime green all contribute to making a room bright, fun and modern, without being too boyish or girly.
Many of these color combinations will be great even when you child gets older.
I always remember the 60/30/10 rule when painting and decorating.
Use 60% of the room for your main color.
Add 30% for an accent wall or other pieces like the bedding and window treatments and the last 10% for the pops of color like pillows, stuffed animals, or a painted child's chair for your wow factor.
No matter what today's designs are, and how many people want to give you advice, in the end, the Baby's room or Nursery needs to please you and your baby.
After all, it will probably be the two of you who spend most of the time in there.
Buy what you love and have it reflect your own personality and style.
For some of the color combinations I have mentioned in the article, please visit BabysNursery-BeddingandMore and BestBabyThings.
Blue is the traditional color for a baby boy, but there are several things you can do to make this room feel updated and contemporary.
Try starting with a different shade of blue and coordinate it with some complimentary colors.
For example, light blue and chocolate brown is a new and trendy look.
Add some prints in accent pieces or accessories to make the room up to date.
A lot of parents prefer to decorate the baby's room in traditional colors or use a theme like cars, trucks, fire trucks etc.
In addition to the more traditional decorating where you might see blue throughout the room, is to try different color combinations to do something more modern or contemporary.
For example, putting together shades of blue with chocolate brown and adding a bright pop of color in pillows or other accent pieces.
Nautical seems to be big right now, so try a light blue with a dark blue and taupe or red for the pop of color.
You can also consider chocolate brown with any of the pastel shades.
Yummy! Another color combination is to try like a turquoise or aqua and white with pops of chocolate for accents.
The possibilities are endless! Once you start thinking along these lines, it will be hard to choose because most anything looks good! Using orange, bright reds, yellows and lime green all contribute to making a room bright, fun and modern, without being too boyish or girly.
Many of these color combinations will be great even when you child gets older.
I always remember the 60/30/10 rule when painting and decorating.
Use 60% of the room for your main color.
Add 30% for an accent wall or other pieces like the bedding and window treatments and the last 10% for the pops of color like pillows, stuffed animals, or a painted child's chair for your wow factor.
No matter what today's designs are, and how many people want to give you advice, in the end, the Baby's room or Nursery needs to please you and your baby.
After all, it will probably be the two of you who spend most of the time in there.
Buy what you love and have it reflect your own personality and style.
For some of the color combinations I have mentioned in the article, please visit BabysNursery-BeddingandMore and BestBabyThings.