Organizing Children"s Artwork - 12 Creative Ideas to Enjoy and Let Go
Before we explore the solutions, there are several things to consider when organizing children's artwork.
Be consistent.
Kids thrive on structure because they know what to expect.
If they know they can keep one art piece a week to go into their monthly file, they will be prepared emotionally which will make the decisions easier.
Realize it is not about the artwork.
At a much deeper level it is about teaching them the skills to make decisions and live a clutter free life.
Have the children make the decision.
Empower your child to choose which art piece to keep and how you can enjoy it the best.
Instead of holding out 10 pieces at a time, try holding two and have them choose one.
Then hold two more and so on.
Decisions are often easier when there are not so many choices all at once.
Distance in Time.
If you find that your child is really having a hard time choosing and they really want to keep them all, bring out old artwork that was done a month ago and have them choose from those.
You may also want to become more aware of the messages you are giving.
Is it hard for you to let go too? Okay, now we are ready for creative solutions to keep the artwork under control while honoring your child's creative spirit.
1--Postage Stamps This is one of my favorite ideas so I have to list it first! Can you believe you can turn your child's artwork into real postage stamps? Check out PhotoStamps or PictureItPostage to see how easy it is! 2--Greeting Cards, Calendars, Postcards, T-shirts, etc.
You can turn the masterpiece into an actual greeting card! You can do almost anything now digitally! Cafepress.
com offers a wide variety of products that can show off the artwork, and family and friends can purchase what they like for themselves! Being the Mac computer lover that I am, I use iPhoto to create cards, calendars, postcards and more.
I am really impressed with the quality.
If you have a Mac, try it out! Online photo albums will also have these features.
3--Online Photo Album Create a special website to display all the kid's artwork for everyone to enjoy.
Before you think you can't possibly do that, there are easy ways to have an online photo album without knowing all the technical stuff.
4--Memory Quilt Now this will require more work and time, but it may be one of the most amazing gifts for their high school graduation! You can scan artwork, poems, certificates, report cards, etc.
and turn them into fabric squares.
5--Screensaver, Desktop, and Slideshows Take advantage of the artwork you have scanned in by using the pictures for your computer screensaver or desktop! You can even create a slideshow to enjoy with the rest of the family.
6--Turn the artwork into a business If your child is producing a ton of amazing art, you may want to consider creating a business by turning the art into products others can enjoy.
Again, with CafePress.
com you can set up your own store.
The possibilities are endless--journals, mugs, t-shirts, cards, magnets, stickers, bags, and so much more! 7--Stationary Who wouldn't love to get a fun piece of mail? In fact, you and your child can create different stationary sets for family and friends so they too can share the artwork with others.
Your child can also use their artwork for thank you's, invitations, journal entries, or a simple hello.
8--A Year of Art Choose 12 pieces of art and turn it into a calendar for your family to enjoy or for other relatives who want a piece of your child in their home.
You can do this several ways: buy a calendar and paste the artwork over the picture page, scan the photos into the computer and order a calendar with the artwork online, or make it completely by scratch! 9--Memory Boxes Designate a memory box for each child.
Get them involved in deciding what they want in their box.
Once a year, or when it is full, go through it and keep their favorites.
This prevents collecting box upon box of memories that can take over your space.
This could be a way to celebrate their birthday by reflecting back on the year and creating space for new and exciting creations! You can also have a file for each child and each month have them pick out their favorite for their memory box.
10--Snap Shot in Time Take a picture of your child with the art piece and place it in a scrapbook, memory box, or online album.
Can you think of a better way to capture the age of your child and their masterpiece? This suggestion works especially well with larger than life projects that take up way too much space or would require crazy storage solutions.
11--Art Wall Just like the museums, you too can have a rotating exhibit of your child's artwork.
As a new piece is displayed, an old one comes down.
It can be as simple as using a rope with clothes pins! Make sure the art is displayed low enough for your child to also enjoy them.
12--Quick and Easy Ideas
Be consistent.
Kids thrive on structure because they know what to expect.
If they know they can keep one art piece a week to go into their monthly file, they will be prepared emotionally which will make the decisions easier.
Realize it is not about the artwork.
At a much deeper level it is about teaching them the skills to make decisions and live a clutter free life.
Have the children make the decision.
Empower your child to choose which art piece to keep and how you can enjoy it the best.
Instead of holding out 10 pieces at a time, try holding two and have them choose one.
Then hold two more and so on.
Decisions are often easier when there are not so many choices all at once.
Distance in Time.
If you find that your child is really having a hard time choosing and they really want to keep them all, bring out old artwork that was done a month ago and have them choose from those.
You may also want to become more aware of the messages you are giving.
Is it hard for you to let go too? Okay, now we are ready for creative solutions to keep the artwork under control while honoring your child's creative spirit.
1--Postage Stamps This is one of my favorite ideas so I have to list it first! Can you believe you can turn your child's artwork into real postage stamps? Check out PhotoStamps or PictureItPostage to see how easy it is! 2--Greeting Cards, Calendars, Postcards, T-shirts, etc.
You can turn the masterpiece into an actual greeting card! You can do almost anything now digitally! Cafepress.
com offers a wide variety of products that can show off the artwork, and family and friends can purchase what they like for themselves! Being the Mac computer lover that I am, I use iPhoto to create cards, calendars, postcards and more.
I am really impressed with the quality.
If you have a Mac, try it out! Online photo albums will also have these features.
3--Online Photo Album Create a special website to display all the kid's artwork for everyone to enjoy.
Before you think you can't possibly do that, there are easy ways to have an online photo album without knowing all the technical stuff.
4--Memory Quilt Now this will require more work and time, but it may be one of the most amazing gifts for their high school graduation! You can scan artwork, poems, certificates, report cards, etc.
and turn them into fabric squares.
5--Screensaver, Desktop, and Slideshows Take advantage of the artwork you have scanned in by using the pictures for your computer screensaver or desktop! You can even create a slideshow to enjoy with the rest of the family.
6--Turn the artwork into a business If your child is producing a ton of amazing art, you may want to consider creating a business by turning the art into products others can enjoy.
Again, with CafePress.
com you can set up your own store.
The possibilities are endless--journals, mugs, t-shirts, cards, magnets, stickers, bags, and so much more! 7--Stationary Who wouldn't love to get a fun piece of mail? In fact, you and your child can create different stationary sets for family and friends so they too can share the artwork with others.
Your child can also use their artwork for thank you's, invitations, journal entries, or a simple hello.
8--A Year of Art Choose 12 pieces of art and turn it into a calendar for your family to enjoy or for other relatives who want a piece of your child in their home.
You can do this several ways: buy a calendar and paste the artwork over the picture page, scan the photos into the computer and order a calendar with the artwork online, or make it completely by scratch! 9--Memory Boxes Designate a memory box for each child.
Get them involved in deciding what they want in their box.
Once a year, or when it is full, go through it and keep their favorites.
This prevents collecting box upon box of memories that can take over your space.
This could be a way to celebrate their birthday by reflecting back on the year and creating space for new and exciting creations! You can also have a file for each child and each month have them pick out their favorite for their memory box.
10--Snap Shot in Time Take a picture of your child with the art piece and place it in a scrapbook, memory box, or online album.
Can you think of a better way to capture the age of your child and their masterpiece? This suggestion works especially well with larger than life projects that take up way too much space or would require crazy storage solutions.
11--Art Wall Just like the museums, you too can have a rotating exhibit of your child's artwork.
As a new piece is displayed, an old one comes down.
It can be as simple as using a rope with clothes pins! Make sure the art is displayed low enough for your child to also enjoy them.
12--Quick and Easy Ideas
- Turn artwork into place mats by laminating them or using contact paper.
- Cut into gift tags.
- Use large art pieces or tape several together to make enough for wrapping paper.
- Display artwork under the glass on coffee or dinner tables.