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Women's Health : Health & Medical

Menopause and Diet

Tips on how to control your Weight gain...Growing up, Estrogen protects women from some effects of a high fat diet. Postmenopausal women have lower levels of Estrogen, and this leads to lower levels of HDL or (good cholesterol) and a rise in LDL (bad cholesterol) which is why rates of heart disease

Fast Ways to Achieving Better Looking Breasts

Are you currently yearning for a bigger bust size? Can you observe different girls getting more interest from men simply because possess bigger breasts? If so, in which case you also can share in the

What Are the Signs and Symptoms of a Yeast Infection?

Yeast infections can be one of the messiest and most frustrating things a woman has to deal with in her lifetime, with the exception of pregnancy of course. It's important for any woman to know what to look for in their own bodily changes as far as signs and symptoms of a yeast infection go. If

Ovarian Cyst Treatment Options - How to Get Rid of Your Cyst Naturally

Ovarian cysts are very painful and this is something that you want to get rid of for good. You don't want to live with your ovarian cyst anymore and you want to get some relief and fast. You are looking for some treatment options to help you to get the pain relief that you are looking for.

4 Effective Security Products for Single Moms

Safety is one of the concerns of single moms. You want to ensure your safety and most especially the protection of your kids. The pepper spray, stun gun, TASER device and home alarm system are 4 effective security products that you can consider for protection.

High Blood Pressure Treatment - Post Menopause

It has been proven that, post menopause women will fall prey to high blood pressure rather comparing with the menstruating women. Post menopause women suffering with high blood pressure will get serious troubles like early aging, increased weight gain resulting to obesity.

What Is Bacterial Vaginosis and How To Spot It

Bacterial vaginosis is one of the more common infections of the vagina in women who have reached childbearing age. It is also referred to as vaginal becteriosis and it is characterized by itching, odor, discharge or pain.

Hormone Imbalance Symptoms in Women

A Hormone imbalance can start in women anywhere from their late twenty's to forty's. As woman gets older the symptoms of a hormone imbalance increase. This is especially true if the symptoms are ignored early on.

Side Effects Of Abortion Pills

Abortion pills are usually prescribed by a health professional for the purpose of terminating a pregnancy. However, before you consume this medication you need to know everything about it. The side effects and complications associated with abortion pills can really hamper your health a great deal an

What Can You Expect When You Have Plastic Surgery For Breast Reduction

The thought of having any type of surgery is always a little scary and plastic surgery for breast reduction is no different. You're going to be going under general anesthesia and someone is going to be cutting you. The more you know about the procedure before you actually have it done the less

Ovarian Cyst Pain - How to Get Relief Fast

If you suffer from ovarian cysts, you know that sometimes the pain can be unbearable. You may be experiencing pain in your abdomen, pelvic area, lower back, stomach, sides and you may be also having painful intercourse. If you have tried to control your ovarian pain with no success, the natural holi

Wahl Peanut Clipper / Trimmer - Review

When it comes to clippers and trimmers, there is nothing more important to a salon professional than size, power, and versatility. The Wahl Peanut Clipper/Trimmer has the best combination of these three features and that is why it is a favorite among professionals.

Breastfeeding as Female Liberation

There's been a lot of news lately about women having to hide when nursing their babies or toddlers. Our society makes it almost shameful. But I've found breastfeeding to be empowering. Read why.