Hormone Imbalance Symptoms in Women
A Hormone imbalance can start in women anywhere from their late twenty's to forty's.
As woman gets older the symptoms of a hormone problem increase.
This is especially true if the symptoms are ignored early on.
The symptoms of a hormone imbalance can be one of the following or any combination.
Development of allergies Feeling tired, depressed and anxious Endometriosis Fibrocystic breasts Growth of facial hair and loss of hair on the scalp Difficulty in concentrating, headaches Decreased sex drive Wrinkly skin Osteoporosis Premenstrual syndrome Incontinence Urinary track infections Uterine fibroids Weight gain, water retention and bloating The above symptoms are the cause of an imbalance between estrogen and progesterone.
Estrogen is a hormone in females that is made by the ovaries.
Progesterone is the hormone that stimulates the uterus in preparation for pregnancy.
The balance between these two hormones is very delicate.
When these two hormones are out of balance, symptoms can develop and your health can be effected.
The female body will produce different amounts of these two hormones from month to month.
Some of the determining factors in the production of these hormones are stress, exercise, eating habits and ovulation or the lack of.
Only estrogen is made in the first ten to twelve days of your menstrual cycle.
Once ovulation occurs, progesterone is then produced by the ovaries.
Around the twenty eighth day levels of the hormones drop and menstruation starts.
You can still have the menstrual period even if ovulation did not occur.
The problem is the estrogen has not been balanced by the progesterone which was relying on ovulation to start the hormone production.
When this happens you could see signs of hormone imbalance.
Some other factors associated with a hormone imbalance are birth control pills, processed food and the chemical additives, environmental pollutants such as cleaning chemicals, air pollution and contaminated water.
On top of all this, daily life stresses, skipping meals and synthetic estrogen all add to the hormone imbalance.
It is important to watch for the signs of hormone imbalance and take action if they develop.
As woman gets older the symptoms of a hormone problem increase.
This is especially true if the symptoms are ignored early on.
The symptoms of a hormone imbalance can be one of the following or any combination.
Development of allergies Feeling tired, depressed and anxious Endometriosis Fibrocystic breasts Growth of facial hair and loss of hair on the scalp Difficulty in concentrating, headaches Decreased sex drive Wrinkly skin Osteoporosis Premenstrual syndrome Incontinence Urinary track infections Uterine fibroids Weight gain, water retention and bloating The above symptoms are the cause of an imbalance between estrogen and progesterone.
Estrogen is a hormone in females that is made by the ovaries.
Progesterone is the hormone that stimulates the uterus in preparation for pregnancy.
The balance between these two hormones is very delicate.
When these two hormones are out of balance, symptoms can develop and your health can be effected.
The female body will produce different amounts of these two hormones from month to month.
Some of the determining factors in the production of these hormones are stress, exercise, eating habits and ovulation or the lack of.
Only estrogen is made in the first ten to twelve days of your menstrual cycle.
Once ovulation occurs, progesterone is then produced by the ovaries.
Around the twenty eighth day levels of the hormones drop and menstruation starts.
You can still have the menstrual period even if ovulation did not occur.
The problem is the estrogen has not been balanced by the progesterone which was relying on ovulation to start the hormone production.
When this happens you could see signs of hormone imbalance.
Some other factors associated with a hormone imbalance are birth control pills, processed food and the chemical additives, environmental pollutants such as cleaning chemicals, air pollution and contaminated water.
On top of all this, daily life stresses, skipping meals and synthetic estrogen all add to the hormone imbalance.
It is important to watch for the signs of hormone imbalance and take action if they develop.