Online Music Promotions and Music Promoters on the Rise
The kiss of death for online music promotions is to think that all there is to it is to throw up some online profiles and wait for the fans to start pouring in. There are ways too many internet music promotion tools available to strike out half heartedly into this process. The front that is going to put some time into developing a strategy and that you're going to resist the urge to lallygag around on Facebook all day and pretend its work should be decided upon.
With so many promotional tools out there, there can be assurance that the fans are not on all of them. Because there is a need for online music promotions work, which is to be manageable and one need to be selective about the sites used, and at the top of the list should be the sites where people like the fans congregate.
About internet music promotion, two things are to be considered - getting reviews and other coverage on blogs and internet magazines, much like the promotion obtained in print media, and own promotion work that involves interacting with fans, usually using social media. A different plan is needed for each.
Music promoters do just what their name suggests - they promote live shows. But more than just promoting the show, music promoters also organize shows and book bands. The basic duties of music promoters are to secure a venue for a show, promote the show via the media and via posters/flyers/etc in the local area, work with the band and agent to make sure all the show night needs are covered (PA system, lighting, etc), and when appropriate, music promoters pay the band. The music promoters are responsible for covering the venue costs and the costs of promotion and any special equipment. However, music promoters can, and do, recoup these costs from the show income before they pay the band in many instances. Every deal is different, and music promoters work with agents and managers to nail down the specifics of a deal before the show.
With so many promotional tools out there, there can be assurance that the fans are not on all of them. Because there is a need for online music promotions work, which is to be manageable and one need to be selective about the sites used, and at the top of the list should be the sites where people like the fans congregate.
About internet music promotion, two things are to be considered - getting reviews and other coverage on blogs and internet magazines, much like the promotion obtained in print media, and own promotion work that involves interacting with fans, usually using social media. A different plan is needed for each.
Music promoters do just what their name suggests - they promote live shows. But more than just promoting the show, music promoters also organize shows and book bands. The basic duties of music promoters are to secure a venue for a show, promote the show via the media and via posters/flyers/etc in the local area, work with the band and agent to make sure all the show night needs are covered (PA system, lighting, etc), and when appropriate, music promoters pay the band. The music promoters are responsible for covering the venue costs and the costs of promotion and any special equipment. However, music promoters can, and do, recoup these costs from the show income before they pay the band in many instances. Every deal is different, and music promoters work with agents and managers to nail down the specifics of a deal before the show.