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Fitness & bodybuilding : Health & Medical
How To Make Your Girlfriend Want To Have Sex With You?
Right at the onset you must know that there is no one single sure shot way of making your girlfriend want to have sex with you. Plus, this is not something that you can force ...
10 Premier League Stats That You Did not Know
Here are 10 obscure Premier League football (soccer) stats that you need to know!
Types of Custom Insoles: Which Type of Insole Is Used for Heal Pain?
Insoles are shaped inserts that fit into the shoes. There are two types of insoles. The first variety is manufactured in stores for general sales while the second kind is medically prescribed by a foot ...
Liposuction As A Weight Loss Substitute
<body> One of the problems that causes serious weight gain is the lack of desire to maintain a healthy diet. Many obese people want an easy way to lose weight making procedures such as liposuction ...
Healthy Heart For Healthy Living
It is very easy to forget about your health especially the heart's health when you try to make the ends meet together at your work, friends and family. We often purposely forget about your heart ...
Choosing The Right Sports Bean Bag Chairs For Kids
Kids simply love having sports stuff. Whether it is MLB apparel or sports chairs, kids will, without doubt, love them. The latest to addition to this sports craze are bean bag chairs for kids. Today,
Winning Your Own Gold Medal
As the 2010 Olympics come to a close, we have seen many amazing performances where athletes appear to push their bodies to the very limits. They race down snow hills on skis at 160 miles per hour, perform quadruple jumps in ice skates, or race at break neck speed down an ice track. These athletes ha
Trapezius Muscle Exercises
The trapezius muscle, often referred to in the plural as traps, is located on each side of the neck, above the shoulders. It's a alrge muscle that helps move the arms and shoulders while supporting the spine and neck. Strong traps help protect against a variety of injuries, so it is important to in
Is Bariatric Surgery for Obese Children and Teenagers Appropriate?
Growing up and being a teen is no easy feat. As many of us remember, being a teenager came with growing pains including SAT's, college, and the future to just name a few. Though these times can be difficult being overweight is tougher, however being a morbidly obese teenager can be a nightmare.
Voluntary Knee Implant Recall By Stryker Howmedica Osteonics Corp
Stryker hip recall is one of the best firms to handle cases related to defectivehip replacement. There are several lawyers and law firms that specialize in handling cases relating to the knee implant recall.
How to Parry a Punch in Jeet Kune Do
The martial artist Bruce Lee defined parrying as "a light, easy movement depending on timing rather than force." There are three parries in Jeet Kune Do: simple, semicircular and circular.
Learning What Gluten Is and How to Begin Eating Gluten Free
This article gives anyone the basics of beginning a gluten free diet. You will learn what gluten is and how to avoid it!
What to do When Your Workout is not Working
Many people go to the gym day in and day out, but do they make progress? Why is it that some people go to the gym religiously, but never see results? How do you know ...
The 7 most common mistakes made when exercising
Copyright (c) 2007 Greg Brookes As a North London Personal Trainer I spend around 1000 hours a year training my clients and have discovered that 7 reoccurring mistakes are made on a frequent basis. Just ...
The Art Of Tai Chi - A Moving Meditation
Tai Chi is an ancient martial art, one that was practiced for centuries in China as an exercise, a martial art, and a way to improve the internal flow of energy in the body. It ...
Will the P90X Program Work For You?
The P90X system is a fairly recent introduction to the fitness world but it has managed to garner incredible attention in a very short period of time. From professional fitness trainers to normal people who ...
How Effective are Elliptical Trainers?
Elliptical trainers are an excellent way to get an all body workout with the added advantage of having minimal impact to your joints and also are an excellent way to stay fit and healthy.
Conventional Wisdom - Is It Really Wisdom or Lazy Thinking?
Many of us rely on conventional wisdom to help guide us through routine decision-making processes. But, does conventional wisdom really serve us that well? Or does it actually keep us from making the best decisions possible? While common knowledge can be helpful in certain situations, it keeps us fr
Air Duct Filters And Fighting Allergies
Allergies are an unpleasant fact of life for many today. The symtoms are all too common including, sneezing, coughing, runny nose, breathing difficulties, skin inflammations, and more. A true allergy sufferer knows how difficult it is to deal with these symptoms on a daily basis.