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Conventional Wisdom - Is It Really Wisdom or Lazy Thinking?

Many of us rely on conventional wisdom to help guide us through routine decision-making processes.
But, does conventional wisdom really serve us that well? Or does it actually keep us from making the best decisions possible? While common knowledge can be helpful in certain situations, it keeps us from making progress in almost every aspect of our lives, as well as that of our society and the worldwide community.
By now, we're all too familiar with the example of Christopher Columbus' discovery of the Western World.
Conventional wisdom of the day was that the Earth was flat and if you sailed far enough you would simply fall off the end of the Earth.
Having little more than intuition and faith, Columbus defied conventional wisdom and set out on his voyage of discovery.
Of course, the rest is history.
One of the areas most affected by conventional wisdom is in the area of health and wellness.
For centuries, Western cultures have favored scientific advances in the fight against death and disease.
Obviously, advances have been made that improved the plight of mankind.
Discovery of the causes of many diseases have led to improvements in sanitation and drinking water supplies.
Unfortunately, these advances have received little credit for the virtual elimination of such diseases as polio and tuberculosis (in developed countries) while mass vaccination programs have received almost all of the credit.
Conventional wisdom says that vaccination prevents disease.
In depth analysis might point to many differing perspectives.
Another bit of conventional wisdom is that animal protein is unhealthy for humans.
It's supposed to increase cholesterol and cause cardiovascular disease.
Just this week, though, the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) released a study that counters that conventional wisdom.
For years, Dr.
Robert Atkins, developer of the high protein, low carbohydrate weight-loss program named after him was called a quack, huckster and charlatan by mainstream medicine.
The JAMA study showed that the high-protein Atkins diet was more effective at helping participants lose weight than other mainstream programs, like The Zone diet and the Ornish diet.
Even more amazing is that with the unconventional high-protein, high-fat Atkins diet participants not only lowered blood pressure, the reduced LDL, or bad, cholesterol and increased HDL, or good, cholesterol.
Maybe Dr.
Atkins' critics will now let him rest in peace.
Conventional wisdom also tells us "germs cause disease".
Fortunately, the theory that germs alone cause disease is about as silly a notion as the one that Columbus had to overcome.
Unfortunately, the Germ Theory (misapplied) has done much to set up Western civilization for potentially huge public health problems in the near future.
Let's take a closer look.
If germs really caused disease then why doesn't everyone in a household get a cold or the flu at the same time? Or, why do just some people at work get the flu and not everyone? In its haste to eliminate disease by killing germs, modern Medicine has abandoned the real precepts of the Germ Theory that tell us it's the strength of the germ (or pathogen), the amount of exposure and the strength (or weakness) of the host (you and me) that determines if one will actually develop a disease or condition when exposed.
The main reason that some get sick and some don't is the strength of our immune system and it's ability to isolate and kill those germs.
Many believe that conventional wisdom regarding the war against disease is that it has caused potential problems with over-vaccinating children and abuse of antibiotics among a host of other problems.
It has also created a situation that actually invites a pandemic catastrophe.
There are many sets of conventional wisdom that bear scrutiny, including global warming, mandatory vaccination programs and the net benefit of mandatory public education.
Of course, the list is limited only by your own observation.
So, how can we keep from becoming a victim of conventional wisdom as both individuals and as a society? First, realize that "common knowledge" is just that.
It's common, accepted by all without little thought or analysis, the lowest common denominator and far from the final answer.
"Conventional wisdom" is more consensus than wisdom.
It stifles thought and fosters ignorance among the masses.
Second, force yourself to ask "Is this true or does it just seem true because so many people accept it?" Finally, let principles guide you rather than the mere assertions of others.
Here are some principles that will never let you down.
The human body is a self-healing, self-regulating organism.
It doesn't as much need help as it just needs less interference.
If drugs worked, rich people wouldn't die.
Individual freedom is superior to group identification.
Morality, self-restraint and personal responsibility are more effective than regulation.
If something can be imagined, it can be done.
The human mind contains all the knowledge of the Universe.
Don't allow your thinking to be limited by common knowledge or conventional wisdom.
The Earth has been here a long time.
It can correct anything Mankind can do to it.
The wisdom of Nature is greater than the sum of all Mankind's knowledge now and forever.
Mother Nature always wins in the long run.
Work with it not on it or against it.
Just know that principles win out over knowledge every time.
Live your life in accord with solid principles.
Don't be a victim of common knowledge or conventional wisdom.
Think for yourself.
Be all that God designed you to be.
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