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Cancer & Oncology : Health & Medical

Possible Ovarian Cyst Issues and How to Deal With Them

Ovarian cysts are a common issue among women, but in most cases they're not considered too dangerous. Still, it is a possibility that women need to be aware of and is the main reason why it is so crucial to take care of yourself and make sure you get regular pap tests. You're much less lik

The Risk of Developing Skin Cancer From Tanning Booths

The risk of developing skin cancer from tanning booths is just one of several health risk medically linked to cosmetic tanning devices, which is also connected to DNA alteration. Non-melanoma skin cancer is the most common form of the disease in the United States.

The Common Cancer Causes

To begin with, cancer is the disease resulting from abnormal cells uncontrollably dividing themselves until they are capable of jointly and fatally attacking neighboring body cells. Cancerous cells easily travel to different parts of the body through the bloodstream and the lymph fluid circulation s

Are You as Smart as This Fourth Grader?

Dr. Kathy Miller wants to recruit to her staff a fourth-grade student who won top honors in a science fair for her discovery in regard to patients who receive chemotherapy.

The Right For a Mesothelioma Asbestos Claim

As an American citizen you have a lot of rights. The United Stated of America signed a very significant document named the Declaration of Human Rights. In it, under article number 3 you will notice that "everyone has the right to life..." With that said, nearly everyone infected with mesot

It Helps Womens to Fight With Breast Cancer - Statespharma

Femara which contain Letrozole, which inhibit estrogen biosynthesis, is a smart action for postmenopausal women with hormone-dependent breast cancer. Estrogen deficiency is most specifically obtained using inhibitors which block the last stage in the biosynthetic ...

Kidney Cancer on the Rise

The number of people with kidney cancer in the U.S. has risen steadily since 1975 and, since 1991, the greatest increase has been among younger people, researchers report.

Celebrities Who Have Survived Cancer

Here is a list of famous celebrities who have defied all odds and now help people by placing a famous face on cancer. Just proves this affects everyone, no matter who you are.

Cancer BCG Treatment and Personality Change

Cancers can affect our body in many different ways. Though there are primary tumors that affect the brain, such as sarcoma, melanoma and other types of brain cancers, brain metastases may also occur due to treatment of cancers, especially breast cancer. Brain metastases can cause alteration in the

Guided Heat for Inoperable Lung Cancer

A minimally invasive treatment that uses guided heat to kill cancer cells shows promise as an alternative to radiation in patients with inoperable, early-stage lung cancers.

New Drug Extends Lives of Melanoma Patients

A new drug that revs up the immune system to attack cancer cells extended the lives of people with advanced melanoma by an average of nearly four months in late-stage testing.