Start Your Natural Skin Care Regimen - What You Should Do to Look Naturally Younger
Amidst the plethora of surgical treatments and wrinkle filters, natural skin care regimen seems like a less effective method in looking younger.
After all, the effects of dermatological methods are faster than natural methods.
But what makes natural skin care regimen ideal is its long-term effects.
Unlike surgical treatments that might only work on your skin for a few months, this treatment does not have an expiration date.
In addition to that, it slows down the root causes of aging problems.
If you want to look naturally younger, here are the things you need to do: 1.
Use an anti aging moisturizer.
This is going to be your first line of defense against the debilitating aging factors.
Choose a product with more effective ingredients such as CynergyTK, Phytessence Wakame and Nano Lipobelle HEQ10.
CynergyTK is the ingredient that provides functional keratin to your dermis.
Keratin is a complex kind of protein responsible for the growth of collagen.
Phytessence Wakame, a sea kelp usually used by Japanese people in making sushi, helps in getting rid of harmful enzymes.
These enzymes usually attack hyaluronic acid in the dermis.
This acid is what supplies moisture to collagen proteins.
Nano Lipobelle HEQ10 is an antioxidant that can protect your dermis against harmful free radicals.
Free radicals tend to attack skin cells in the body.
Use a hydrating mask at least two times a week.
This will improve youthful dermis functions.
Try mixing avocado and honey or strawberry with milk.
These contain raw ingredients that can lessen the appearance of wrinkles.
Protect your skin from the sun's UV rays.
Apply sun block.
This product will deflect UV rays.
More often than not, UV rays are the causes of skin aging.
They attack the layers of the skin and hamper the production of collagen.
UVA rays can even penetrate windows.
Even when you are at home, use products that contain sun protection.
Eat lots of fruits, vegetables and fishes.
Fruits and vegetables contain essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that slow down the aging process and improve the functions of your body.
Fishes such as Salmon, Tuna and Mackerel contain omega-3 fatty acids.
According to researches, these fatty acids can actually help correct damaged dermis tissues.
Exercise at least 30 minutes daily.
Daily exercise can tone muscles and purge out toxins in the body.
When you sweat, you get rid of the harmful substances that are hampering the functions of your system.
After all, the effects of dermatological methods are faster than natural methods.
But what makes natural skin care regimen ideal is its long-term effects.
Unlike surgical treatments that might only work on your skin for a few months, this treatment does not have an expiration date.
In addition to that, it slows down the root causes of aging problems.
If you want to look naturally younger, here are the things you need to do: 1.
Use an anti aging moisturizer.
This is going to be your first line of defense against the debilitating aging factors.
Choose a product with more effective ingredients such as CynergyTK, Phytessence Wakame and Nano Lipobelle HEQ10.
CynergyTK is the ingredient that provides functional keratin to your dermis.
Keratin is a complex kind of protein responsible for the growth of collagen.
Phytessence Wakame, a sea kelp usually used by Japanese people in making sushi, helps in getting rid of harmful enzymes.
These enzymes usually attack hyaluronic acid in the dermis.
This acid is what supplies moisture to collagen proteins.
Nano Lipobelle HEQ10 is an antioxidant that can protect your dermis against harmful free radicals.
Free radicals tend to attack skin cells in the body.
Use a hydrating mask at least two times a week.
This will improve youthful dermis functions.
Try mixing avocado and honey or strawberry with milk.
These contain raw ingredients that can lessen the appearance of wrinkles.
Protect your skin from the sun's UV rays.
Apply sun block.
This product will deflect UV rays.
More often than not, UV rays are the causes of skin aging.
They attack the layers of the skin and hamper the production of collagen.
UVA rays can even penetrate windows.
Even when you are at home, use products that contain sun protection.
Eat lots of fruits, vegetables and fishes.
Fruits and vegetables contain essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that slow down the aging process and improve the functions of your body.
Fishes such as Salmon, Tuna and Mackerel contain omega-3 fatty acids.
According to researches, these fatty acids can actually help correct damaged dermis tissues.
Exercise at least 30 minutes daily.
Daily exercise can tone muscles and purge out toxins in the body.
When you sweat, you get rid of the harmful substances that are hampering the functions of your system.