Information on Shoyer's Restaurant in Philadelphia
- Shoyer's was located in the historic section of Philadelphia, near Independence Hall.american flag image by jedphoto from
Shoyer's Restaurant was located at 412 Arch Street in the Old City section of Philadelphia, near the historical Betsy Ross House, where it opened in 1874. It was closed in the late 1960s to make way for a Holiday Inn. - Shoyer's was known for its classic mahogany image by Dmitry Nikolaev from
Shoyer's was known as a pre- and post-theater dining spot in Philadelphia. Part of the restaurant had the feel of a fine restaurant, with white linen tablecloths, while the restaurant also offered luncheonette-style counter delights like ice cream. The eatery had a Victorian feel with a fancy mahogany bar. - Shoyer's famously served gourmet soups.soup ladle image by Mat Hayward from
According the Duncan Hines Institute, Shoyer's served old-fashioned soups (including its famous turtle soup), roast stuffed duckling, pot roast with potato pancakes and Maine chicken lobster.
Location and History