Weber Spirit SP-310 Gas Grill Review Rating
The Bottom Line
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With a list price of $649USD, the "premium" Weber Spirit SP-310 has a stainless steel hood and door, but what makes it premium is the stainless steel rod cooking grates. While these look shiny when they are new, they don't really offer a real improvement to the grill. Solidly built, but with lower quality stainless steel, the Spirit is the lower priced gas grill line from Weber.
This model is a basic 3-burner grill with the standard Weber features including a propane gauge and, well, that's about it.
- Backed by Weber warranties and support
- Lower grades of stainless steel throughout
- Very basic grill for the price
- Three 10,667 BTU stainless steel tubular burners
- 424 square inches of primary cooking area with 529 square inches of total cooking area
- 32,000 BTU maximum output from the main burners
- Stainless steel rod cooking grates
- Electric (AA-Battery) crossover ignition
- Porcelain enameled steel, stainless steel (400 series) and cast aluminum construction
- Fully enclosed cabinet
- Hood mounted thermometer and propane tank gauge
- Available propane or natural gas - not convertible
- Built in China by Weber-Stephen Products Company
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Guide Review - Weber Spirit SP-310 Gas Grill
This is the premium version of the Weber Spirit Grill line. The Spirit grills were designed by Weber to be a more affordable alternative to the Genesis Grills. To achieve this goal, Weber made the Spirit Grills smaller and produced them in China.
While Spirit Grills have much of the features of the Genesis versions, they are a simpler grill. What makes this model "premium" is the stainless steel rod cooking grates. Not really an improvement over the standard porcelain coated cast iron grates, but it can be a matter of choice.
This is a basic 3-burner gas grill. The three burners produce 32,000 BTUs under 424 square inches. Weber's efficient design means this grill can heat up quickly and to high temperatures even if the power appears a little low. This grills other features are, well, stainless steel. Where the other grills in the spirit line have black enameled bodies, this one is coated in stainless steel.
I know that stainless steel is pretty even if it is a lower grade. The issue I have with this grill is the pricing. For the same price, you can get the Spirit E-320 which gives you everything this grill has, without the stainless, plus a 12,000 BTU side burner. If you want a Weber and can't afford the Genesis, then I suggest not buying this grill. Look instead at the Spirit E-320 or E-310 (which doesn't have a side burner).
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