These Top 5 Picnic Menus are Delicious and Easy
Summer is picnic time. But you can have a picnic any time of the year! Have a picnic in your backyard, at the beach, on a boat, or on the living room floor in front of the fireplace. Food at picnics must be two things: delicious, and easy to eat.
I love sandwiches for picnics, and pasta salads are great too. Potato chips are mandatory, and cookies make the best dessert. Unless you have a fire going; then S'mores are required. Make sure you know how to pack a picnic basket, cook food to a safe final temperature, and throw away leftovers. That basket can't chill food; it can only keep it cold. Bring along a big blanket, sturdy plates, and utensils.
Then enjoy the time with family and friends. And if you've planned a picnic and the weather isn't nice, try this: have a picnic on the floor of your family room! It can be just as fun as a picnic outside; with no bugs or wind to blow things around!
A giant cheeseburger is a great recipe to make when you are picnicking with a grill. Just bring along an instant read thermometer to make sure you get the ground beef up to 160 degrees F. The two salads in this picnic are as different as night and day; but both delicious! And the desert is beautiful, easy to make, and so good.More »
An elegant picnic can be the perfect way to entertain in the summer. If you're lucky enough to have a boat, this would be a fabulous menu for a candlelit dinner. If not, the park or your own backyard are both wonderful settings. Any one of my pasta salads, cold sandwiches, and bar cookie recipes would work in this menu.More »
I love sandwiches for picnics, and pasta salads are great too. Potato chips are mandatory, and cookies make the best dessert. Unless you have a fire going; then S'mores are required. Make sure you know how to pack a picnic basket, cook food to a safe final temperature, and throw away leftovers. That basket can't chill food; it can only keep it cold. Bring along a big blanket, sturdy plates, and utensils.
Then enjoy the time with family and friends. And if you've planned a picnic and the weather isn't nice, try this: have a picnic on the floor of your family room! It can be just as fun as a picnic outside; with no bugs or wind to blow things around!
1. The Perfect Picnic
I packed this menu when some of us drove up to Duluth to have a picnic on the shores of Lake Superior. It was steaming hot that day; and Duluth was breezy and cool with a slight wind off the cold lake. This is the menu I think of whenever I plan a picnic. It really is perfect!More »2. Five Ingredient Grilled Picnic Menu
A giant cheeseburger is a great recipe to make when you are picnicking with a grill. Just bring along an instant read thermometer to make sure you get the ground beef up to 160 degrees F. The two salads in this picnic are as different as night and day; but both delicious! And the desert is beautiful, easy to make, and so good.More »
3. Pack a Picnic
Fried chicken is another great picnic recipe. But I don't like typical fried chicken; chicken skin, when it's chilled, just isn't appealing. So this recipe, which uses boneless skinless chicken breasts coated in a crisp crust, is just right. Sandwiches and a couple of great salads round out the menu.More »4. Picnic in the Park
Most parks have wonderful picnic areas. I always bring a big tablecloth when we're going to sit at a picnic table; it's just nicer having a covering over what is usually a pretty rough surface. Bring lots of outdoor nostalgic games too, like badminton and horseshoes, to your picnic. You're going to have a bucolic afternoon!More »5. Elegant Picnic Menu
An elegant picnic can be the perfect way to entertain in the summer. If you're lucky enough to have a boat, this would be a fabulous menu for a candlelit dinner. If not, the park or your own backyard are both wonderful settings. Any one of my pasta salads, cold sandwiches, and bar cookie recipes would work in this menu.More »