Chemotherapy-What you can do to boost your Immune System
What does western medicine offer us today for the treatment of cancer, toxic chemicals and nuclear radiation which all destroys the immune system? If you have been diagnosed with cancer we know with certainty that the bodies defence system has been weakened. A much better way to approach cancer is to address this issue and boost the immune system.
Cancer is a disease of the immune system or more correctly it is a disease of a weak immune system and the ability of this self repair system to successfully prevent or reverse cancer is directly dependent on the treatments you receive. You need to restore your health so ask yourself will chemotherapy do this.
Our contemporary medicine attacks the symptoms, which is the cancer growths at the surface, not the causes at the roots. They think of all cancers as foreign invaders and simply try and annihilate them instead of treating them as normal body cells gone awry which is what these cells are.
Chemotherapy is a chemical and is either in pill form or is intravenously injected into the body and is designed to hunt out and kill rapidly dividing body cells in which most cancer cells are. Chemotherapy has many faults and one of them is it only targets the growths and doesn't address the condition which caused the cancer to first grow so it's only going to grow back again.
Chemotherapy has many side effects, not only vomiting and hair loss which everyone seems to be concerned about but more serious is permanent loss of hearing and damage to the heart. Also if you survive for long enough, you could or will develop independent cancers which are a direct result from the earlier chemotherapy treatments. But the biggest problem with this chemical treatment is it weakens the important immune system. Doesn't that sound like a step in the wrong direction?
So what can you do to boost your immune system? This built in repair system we all have is a complicated and poorly understood defence mechanism. What we do know is that it can destroy cancer unless it's been weakened by poor nutrition, our sedentary lifestyle, emotional strain or other blocking factors. If the body is well nourished it can and will attack cancer cells.
To fight cancer using the bodies own repair system you need to change from eating dead food which is what processed food is to food that is freshly grown and in season and that will boost the immune system. Plus you need some exercise as the immune system needs muscular activity to function properly. Thirdly it is well known that we need a little sunshine everyday which we get vitamin D from and 15 minutes of sun exposure on the arms and face will achieve this.
Remember it's the body that heals and that is through the immune system. Chemotherapy won't heal you; it only destroys cells, good ones and bad ones plus the very important immune system. The human body possesses a superb system of natural defences against all diseases including cancer and all you have to do is make these important changes.
A genuine cure for cancer has to come from within the body and not from someone applying a chemical treatment from outside the body.
We must never forget that our main weapon against cancer is our own bodies defence system.
Alan Wighton is an experienced natural therapist specializing in nutrition. This article is part of the information contained in his book on genuine ways to overcome cancer using the natural healing ability of the human body. If you are seeking information on ways to become cancer free using these ways, please visit; cancerhealingnaturally
Cancer is a disease of the immune system or more correctly it is a disease of a weak immune system and the ability of this self repair system to successfully prevent or reverse cancer is directly dependent on the treatments you receive. You need to restore your health so ask yourself will chemotherapy do this.
Our contemporary medicine attacks the symptoms, which is the cancer growths at the surface, not the causes at the roots. They think of all cancers as foreign invaders and simply try and annihilate them instead of treating them as normal body cells gone awry which is what these cells are.
Chemotherapy is a chemical and is either in pill form or is intravenously injected into the body and is designed to hunt out and kill rapidly dividing body cells in which most cancer cells are. Chemotherapy has many faults and one of them is it only targets the growths and doesn't address the condition which caused the cancer to first grow so it's only going to grow back again.
Chemotherapy has many side effects, not only vomiting and hair loss which everyone seems to be concerned about but more serious is permanent loss of hearing and damage to the heart. Also if you survive for long enough, you could or will develop independent cancers which are a direct result from the earlier chemotherapy treatments. But the biggest problem with this chemical treatment is it weakens the important immune system. Doesn't that sound like a step in the wrong direction?
So what can you do to boost your immune system? This built in repair system we all have is a complicated and poorly understood defence mechanism. What we do know is that it can destroy cancer unless it's been weakened by poor nutrition, our sedentary lifestyle, emotional strain or other blocking factors. If the body is well nourished it can and will attack cancer cells.
To fight cancer using the bodies own repair system you need to change from eating dead food which is what processed food is to food that is freshly grown and in season and that will boost the immune system. Plus you need some exercise as the immune system needs muscular activity to function properly. Thirdly it is well known that we need a little sunshine everyday which we get vitamin D from and 15 minutes of sun exposure on the arms and face will achieve this.
Remember it's the body that heals and that is through the immune system. Chemotherapy won't heal you; it only destroys cells, good ones and bad ones plus the very important immune system. The human body possesses a superb system of natural defences against all diseases including cancer and all you have to do is make these important changes.
A genuine cure for cancer has to come from within the body and not from someone applying a chemical treatment from outside the body.
We must never forget that our main weapon against cancer is our own bodies defence system.
Alan Wighton is an experienced natural therapist specializing in nutrition. This article is part of the information contained in his book on genuine ways to overcome cancer using the natural healing ability of the human body. If you are seeking information on ways to become cancer free using these ways, please visit; cancerhealingnaturally