Treatments for Enlarged Pores
- Realize that pores have a function and a purpose: They keep our skin soft and moisturized through their production of oil. The problem with pores occurs when they get blocked by oil. When this happens, the pores become dilated and infected. A big, infected pore is an obvious one, according to
- Natural or herbal products containing organic apple cider, yarrow and persimmon leaves reportedly will tighten the pores so that they aren't so obvious. Use an astringent that contains these items and follow the astringent with clarifying toner. (See Additional Resources) notes that daisy extract and nasturtium, both flowers, when included in a toner will refine (make smaller) your facial pores.
- Try a home remedy. Create a facial mask out of an egg white and ½ tsp. of lemon juice. Whip this mixture into a full lather. Smear it on your face and let the mixture tighten. After approximately 10 minutes, wash off the mask. and Cindy Ausbrooks point out that too much sebum production can make pores larger
- According to, the sebaceous glands, which are found throughout body, excrete sebum. The oil on our skin is made up of sebum, sweat, dirt and lipids. This oil serves a purpose: it protects our skin from bacterial infection and slows down the natural water loss that occurs in our skin. If the sebum gets trapped in hair follicle pores, it results in acne. Vitamin A derivatives, such as Retin A, are an effective means of controlling sebum production.
- Another home remedy technique includes combining buttermilk and mashed up tomatoes in a bowl. Mix the two items together and then make a paste out of this concoction. Put it on your face and leave it there for 15 minutes. Wash if off. Cindy Ausbrooks advises that this should help reduce pore size.
Mix together 1 Tbsp. of honey and 1 Tbsp. of brandy with 3 tsp. of spirits of camphor. Put this mixture on your face for 15 minutes and then wash your face. - Run an ice cube over your face. This can reduce the size of your facial pores. Splashing cold water on your face will minimize pores, according to
- Always use a moisturizer even if you have dry skin. Pick a moisturizer that is best suited for your skin type, your specific skin problems and your age. Buy one that has SPF (sun protection factor) built into it.
- If you have particularly oily areas on your face, use oil-controlling products on those specific areas. These products should reduce and refine your pores.
- recommends applying a primer to your face before you put on your foundation because this will reduce pore size. The primer will fill in the large pores.
There's a Reason ...
Herbal Approach
Sebum and What It Does
Other Home Techniques
Ice Cubes and Cold Water
Oil-Control Products
Use Primer