What to Look For in a Home Microdermabrasion Kit
Looking for the best microdermabrasion kit that money can buy? Well, you have to be careful about making the decision. There are just too many microdermabrasion kits out there to make the wrong decision. However, since this is about your skin-probably your facial skin-you need to take a lot of care.
Here are some pointers to help you in selecting the best microdermabrasion kit you can.
The first thing is to do loads of research. Microdermabrasion is still a fairly new concept, but there are several sources on the Internet where you can get started. This is where you can learn about what the process is, how the home kits differ from clinical methods, what the home kits contain, what you will have to do, etc. You can also make a list of your own such as the top 10 home microdermabrasion systems and then decide which of these you would want to buy.
Be Specific
Home microdermabrasion is actually a very wide area; it covers a lot of aspects. For instance, there are body microdermabrasion kits and facial microdermabrasion kits. The facial ones are meant for delicate skin areas and they will be ineffective on the other parts of the body. And, the body ones are meant for rougher skin areas and they would be too much to use on the face.
Then you also have to be specific about what the microdermabrasion system can do. There are some that only improve skin tone, while there are some which can be used for more intense forms of abrasion such as removal of stretch marks. The majority of them are meant to remove acne scars.
Don't Be Scared of the Side Effects
This is an area where most people commit a mistake. They look for the least number of side effects of microdermabrasion that they can get. However, if you have read about what this concept really is, you will know that it is an abrasion technique. Your skin's top layer is going to be removed. Though this is done very gently, it might leave your skin red and raw for a day or two. If the kit doesn't do that, it's not working! However, good at home microdermabrasion systems will contain soothing creams to reduce the effect.
Here are some pointers to help you in selecting the best microdermabrasion kit you can.
The first thing is to do loads of research. Microdermabrasion is still a fairly new concept, but there are several sources on the Internet where you can get started. This is where you can learn about what the process is, how the home kits differ from clinical methods, what the home kits contain, what you will have to do, etc. You can also make a list of your own such as the top 10 home microdermabrasion systems and then decide which of these you would want to buy.
Be Specific
Home microdermabrasion is actually a very wide area; it covers a lot of aspects. For instance, there are body microdermabrasion kits and facial microdermabrasion kits. The facial ones are meant for delicate skin areas and they will be ineffective on the other parts of the body. And, the body ones are meant for rougher skin areas and they would be too much to use on the face.
Then you also have to be specific about what the microdermabrasion system can do. There are some that only improve skin tone, while there are some which can be used for more intense forms of abrasion such as removal of stretch marks. The majority of them are meant to remove acne scars.
Don't Be Scared of the Side Effects
This is an area where most people commit a mistake. They look for the least number of side effects of microdermabrasion that they can get. However, if you have read about what this concept really is, you will know that it is an abrasion technique. Your skin's top layer is going to be removed. Though this is done very gently, it might leave your skin red and raw for a day or two. If the kit doesn't do that, it's not working! However, good at home microdermabrasion systems will contain soothing creams to reduce the effect.