Rapid Detox Centers
- Opiate addicts can seek treatment at a rapid detox center.addiction image by Horticulture from Fotolia.com
People who have become addicted to opiates, such as heroin, morphine, OxyContin or Vicodin, may be candidates for participating in a recovery program at a rapid detox center. Patients are placed under general anesthesia for about 8 hours, during which they rapidly detox from the drugs they are physically addicted to, and stay at the medical facility on an inpatient basis for further care and monitoring for approximately 24 to 36 hours. - At the Rapid Detoxification center at the Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center in the School of Medicine at New Orleans, patients begin with a pre-procedural psychological screening visit. After psychological approval, laboratory work, EKG and x-rays, patients will undergo rapid detoxification while under general anesthesia for 6 to 8 hours, freeing them from opiate addiction.
- The Waismann Method offers patients rapid detox treatment from opiate addiction while under sedation. Patients are admitted to a hospital and given a comprehensive physical exam. After screening, they undergo the Waismann treatment while sleeping under a light anesthetic in an intensive care unit until they are free of physical addiction.
- The Rapid Drug Detox Center has locations in numerous states in the United States, where patients come to undergo rapid detox while sleeping under anesthesia to free themselves from opiate addiction. After patients undergo the procedure, they are offered a Naltrexone implant, which provides an opiate-blocking medication to help reduce future cravings, as well as blocking any feelings from opiates a patient might ingest.
- This information is not intended to be a substitute for consulting with your medical care provider.
Louisiana State University
Waismann Method
Rapid Drug Detox Center