Kosher Basics
What is Kosher?
"Kosher" literally means "fit," and in the case of food, refers to food that is prepared in accordance with Jewish Dietary Laws. The rules and regulations regarding kosher food are derived from Biblical laws and rabbinical interpretation. Read on to learn more about the kosher lifestyle, and how and why people keep kosher.
Kosher Food Labels and Kosher Terms
The "kosherness" of a food is indicated by a symbol printed on the food package. Each symbol represents a particular agency's certification that the food has been processed in accordance with the Jewish Dietary Laws. Learn how to read kosher certification labels. And find explanations of terms such as Fleishig, Hashgacha, Hechser, Shechita, Tevilas Keilim and other words having to do with keeping kosher in this Glossary of Kosher Terms.
How to Buy Kosher
Where can you find kosher meat? Which restaurants are kosher? How can you organize a kosher trip? What is the difference between kosher and non-kosher wines? This information is designed to assist consumers of kosher products.
How to Kasher a Kitchen
Kashering, the act of making a kitchen kosher, is a complicated process. These sites aim to assist anyone who wants to kasher a kitchen and/or maintain a kosher kitchen.
Help from Kosher Cooks
These wonderful kosher cooks have agreed to share some of their favorite kosher recipes with you. Find recipes that were perfected in the kitchens of kosher chefs, restaurants, caterers, and enthusiasts from around the world.
Kosher Cookbooks
To the delight of those who keep kosher, the recent boom in kosher food sales has been accompanied by the publication of more kosher cookbooks. Which kosher cookbooks are best?
- 9 Kosher Cookbooks You Need in Your Kitchen
- The Kids Kosher Cookbook, by Miriam Zakon
- Kosher by Design: Short on Time, by Susie Fishbein
- Kosher by Design: Picture-Perfect Food, by Susie Fishbein
- Kosher by Design: Kids in the Kitchen, by Susie Fishbein
- Kosher by Design: Entertains, by Susie Fishbein
- Levana's Table: Kosher Cooking for Everyone, by Levana Kirschenbaum
- EnLITEned Kosher Cooking, by Nechama Cohen
- A Taste of Challah, by Tamar Ansh
- Nutrilicious, by Edith Rothschild
- That Hungarian's In My Kitchen by Linda F. Radke
- A Taste of Tradition: Pesach - Anything's Possible!, by Tamar Ansh