The Crepe Skillet
The company, Krampouz, is located in a region of France called Brittany at Pouldreuzic. This is a region that has a tradition where the sweetest and most savory pancakes are consumed. These crepes, which were cooked on large cast iron plates which were heated over a wooden fire, were the basic element in the diet of Breton families.
Since the beginning of what we would call modern cooking, there has always been a problem with cooking batter or dough on a hot surface. How do you get all that heat to distribute uniformly over the cooking surface and keep it very stable over time without having to constantly adjust the settings?
Well, to modernize and to make more efficient this process, an electrician by the name of Jean-Marie Bosser, designed a gas burner to heat the plate. By designing the burner a certain way he could get an even distribution of heat over the whole plate and more easily control the temperature. He took the name, Krampouz and registered it, which means crepe in the regional language.
This new way of making crepes found a lot of acceptance with these families and for a long time was the top product at Krampouz. As time went on, the trade of crepe making became more and more important and an electric version of the device was introduced in 1970, greatly simplifying the method of crepe making and allowing it for use in everyday households.
There are two basic ways of making crepes. The old method but still used today is called the flip method. Taking a hot rounded crepe pan that is lightly oiled and dipping or laying flat into a bowl of batter then flipping it back over and placed back on the heat until done. This has the advantage of getting an even thickness throughout the crepe but can be cumbersome.
The other, more modern method is to use a spreader on top of a hot plate. There are various ways to spread the batter on a crepe cooker and using wooden T-style spreaders or a device that pivots in the middle of the plate as a reservoir and spreads the batter beneath it as it rotates around the plate. No matter what method you use you will need to practice to get it right.
A basic recipe for crepe batter is one cup of flour, two eggs, half a cup of water and half a cup of low fat milk, a pinch of salt and 2 tablespoons of melted butter. Simply add the eggs to the flour in a large bowl. Then take the milk and water and stir into the flour and eggs, then add the salt and butter. Mix until you have a smooth batter and you're ready to cook crepes.
Note that the recipe has melted butter in it. This will allow the use of your crepe maker without having to oil or spray the surface.
The Krampouz crepe maker can make more than just simple crepes such as French buckwheat galettes, Russian pancakes, Mexican tortillas, American pancakes, Italian crespelles, Hungarian and Austrian pataschinken, Indian chapattis, Tunisian bricks, Asian spring rolls, Japanese okonomiyaki, Moroccan beghris, Vietnamese banh xeo and English pikekets. All of the above can be made with a variety of fillings.
Since the beginning of what we would call modern cooking, there has always been a problem with cooking batter or dough on a hot surface. How do you get all that heat to distribute uniformly over the cooking surface and keep it very stable over time without having to constantly adjust the settings?
Well, to modernize and to make more efficient this process, an electrician by the name of Jean-Marie Bosser, designed a gas burner to heat the plate. By designing the burner a certain way he could get an even distribution of heat over the whole plate and more easily control the temperature. He took the name, Krampouz and registered it, which means crepe in the regional language.
This new way of making crepes found a lot of acceptance with these families and for a long time was the top product at Krampouz. As time went on, the trade of crepe making became more and more important and an electric version of the device was introduced in 1970, greatly simplifying the method of crepe making and allowing it for use in everyday households.
There are two basic ways of making crepes. The old method but still used today is called the flip method. Taking a hot rounded crepe pan that is lightly oiled and dipping or laying flat into a bowl of batter then flipping it back over and placed back on the heat until done. This has the advantage of getting an even thickness throughout the crepe but can be cumbersome.
The other, more modern method is to use a spreader on top of a hot plate. There are various ways to spread the batter on a crepe cooker and using wooden T-style spreaders or a device that pivots in the middle of the plate as a reservoir and spreads the batter beneath it as it rotates around the plate. No matter what method you use you will need to practice to get it right.
A basic recipe for crepe batter is one cup of flour, two eggs, half a cup of water and half a cup of low fat milk, a pinch of salt and 2 tablespoons of melted butter. Simply add the eggs to the flour in a large bowl. Then take the milk and water and stir into the flour and eggs, then add the salt and butter. Mix until you have a smooth batter and you're ready to cook crepes.
Note that the recipe has melted butter in it. This will allow the use of your crepe maker without having to oil or spray the surface.
The Krampouz crepe maker can make more than just simple crepes such as French buckwheat galettes, Russian pancakes, Mexican tortillas, American pancakes, Italian crespelles, Hungarian and Austrian pataschinken, Indian chapattis, Tunisian bricks, Asian spring rolls, Japanese okonomiyaki, Moroccan beghris, Vietnamese banh xeo and English pikekets. All of the above can be made with a variety of fillings.