Gratitude and the Law of Attraction
The Law of Attraction seems to carry a puzzling aura to most people, who are not able to decipher the significance of how powerful the mind can be to their lives.
Most of us are stuck on the previous beliefs that have invaded our brain and allowed us to be conformed to what someone else thinks and feels about life in general.
It is certainly hard to shake off those sticky convictions that have been laid down for us to grasp as soon as we are born.
It is then that we seem to drift along in life wondering how to differentiate our forced beliefs and what our feelings dictate to us.
It took 46 years to realize the incredible power that I had to control my mind and it seems quite obvious from the statistics around us of poverty and suicide that a lot of people are still in the dark.
Creating a new way of life will take much more than just a thought.
You must learn how the law of attraction works and how to use it to your advantage.
There are so many dynamics involved with this law of the universe and when you get to an understanding of using your thoughts and feelings to co-create your world with the universe, then you have taken a huge leap to freedom from your previous beliefs.
After you have grasped the concept of the true creation of thought and its impact on your life, your next step is to learn how to continue to keep in flow of things.
One very important aspect of this is gratitude.
Whatever your thoughts create for you favorably requires a favorable response from you as well.
In fact even the things that seem difficult or troublesome to you at first are to be considered as an opportunity for the universe to teach you something.
Giving thanks for all things is a way that you can show the universe that you have accepted your role in this life and that you are ready to receive more abundance and opportunities to be taught more of life's lessons so that you can become a person of purpose rather than a victim of circumstances.
The problems that face us are not uncommon.
There are people that experience even harsher realities than our petty complaints, who wished they could have fit in our shoes at some point in life.
Gratitude is one of the key factors in the law of attraction.
It relinquishes our self-reliance and acknowledges that God is the ultimate creator of all things and without him we are absolutely nothing.
Even what seems like the simple act of taking one breath without thinking about it, is enough reason to give thanks.
There are people who would love to be in a position of not having to be on a ventilator 24 hours per day or be able to take a walk outside and breath some fresh air.
Taking things for granted is against the law of attraction.
When we show gratitude, it extends a hand to the universe to declare that we are in agreement as co-creators and it allows us to receive more things to be thankful for.
Most of us are stuck on the previous beliefs that have invaded our brain and allowed us to be conformed to what someone else thinks and feels about life in general.
It is certainly hard to shake off those sticky convictions that have been laid down for us to grasp as soon as we are born.
It is then that we seem to drift along in life wondering how to differentiate our forced beliefs and what our feelings dictate to us.
It took 46 years to realize the incredible power that I had to control my mind and it seems quite obvious from the statistics around us of poverty and suicide that a lot of people are still in the dark.
Creating a new way of life will take much more than just a thought.
You must learn how the law of attraction works and how to use it to your advantage.
There are so many dynamics involved with this law of the universe and when you get to an understanding of using your thoughts and feelings to co-create your world with the universe, then you have taken a huge leap to freedom from your previous beliefs.
After you have grasped the concept of the true creation of thought and its impact on your life, your next step is to learn how to continue to keep in flow of things.
One very important aspect of this is gratitude.
Whatever your thoughts create for you favorably requires a favorable response from you as well.
In fact even the things that seem difficult or troublesome to you at first are to be considered as an opportunity for the universe to teach you something.
Giving thanks for all things is a way that you can show the universe that you have accepted your role in this life and that you are ready to receive more abundance and opportunities to be taught more of life's lessons so that you can become a person of purpose rather than a victim of circumstances.
The problems that face us are not uncommon.
There are people that experience even harsher realities than our petty complaints, who wished they could have fit in our shoes at some point in life.
Gratitude is one of the key factors in the law of attraction.
It relinquishes our self-reliance and acknowledges that God is the ultimate creator of all things and without him we are absolutely nothing.
Even what seems like the simple act of taking one breath without thinking about it, is enough reason to give thanks.
There are people who would love to be in a position of not having to be on a ventilator 24 hours per day or be able to take a walk outside and breath some fresh air.
Taking things for granted is against the law of attraction.
When we show gratitude, it extends a hand to the universe to declare that we are in agreement as co-creators and it allows us to receive more things to be thankful for.