Procrastination - Dissolved - In Minutes!
So we make the grand plan, and we are so excited! We are really focused and nothing will stop us this time! How many times have you felt this? But then you just don't get on it quickly enough and it slowly disappears into the unfulfilled dream! The habit of procrastination can be dissolved in minutes! The Habit! I think we all have this problem at sometime or other, or may be even too many times! Yes that is likely! We have all these wonderful ideas and just don't seem to make them work, so then we get low and disappointed with ourselves, we feel tired, worn out and negative! Then all of a sudden we get angry and we get hold of our self again and come up with something else, this time we will succeed! We are not going to be beaten! Can you see the pattern here, do you recognise it? Why do we do this to ourselves? The never-ending cycle! Will we ever see anything through, what is stopping us? Can you see that procrastination is a habit that we just need to break? Why do We Do This? Well we create these patterns due to our belief system, somewhere within our self we chose to believe something that will continue to stop us from getting where we want to be.
May be it was something that was said to us way back, perhaps a teacher or parent said or showed us that we could not do something? So somewhere in out subconscious mind we took on the belief that we would not make it, we were not good enough.
We may be totally unaware of this because we have buried it deep, but there is something in there that keeps us held back! Fear? Maybe it is just our own fear that holds us back? Let me ask you this; what will happen when you become successful with your idea, what will it bring for you? Are you prepared for it? Have you visualized what you and your life will be when this happens? Are you OK with that? Maybe you actually fear the success? Yes, many people uncover this fear, because the reality of success is unfamiliar, something we do not know? It is a block! We Need To Find That Block And Remove It! OK so we need to find exactly what and where this block is to be able to remove it and replace it with something positive.
If it turns out that it was something said to us as a child or youth, we need to acknowledge it, accept that was in the past and we no longer need that! And if it is something we have simply developed our self, then we need to figure out why on earth we would develop this belief in our self! How Do We Do This? When I was training as a therapist, I learned a fantastic therapy called Emotional Block Clearance, it was very clever and fascinating although totally exhausting! We would have to meditate on the problem and go back to the time when the problem occurred, acknowledge it and then let it go! I was hooked and believed this was the way to heal ourselves of past pain, but I have to say it would drag me down for day's and I would feel all the emotions all over again of the past trauma, I was actually reliving the pain! I am happy to say that these day's we have some amazing techniques that allow us to do the very same job in minutes or even seconds! My favourite and the one I would highly recommend is the Emotional Freedom Technique, this does the very same job! We find the root of the problem and we simply tap along meridian points to release the block that is held within our energy and mind, this is an amazing technique that can remove any emotional or negative pattern that holds us back from achieving the life we want! Not only that, but we remove a block that creates illness if not addressed!
May be it was something that was said to us way back, perhaps a teacher or parent said or showed us that we could not do something? So somewhere in out subconscious mind we took on the belief that we would not make it, we were not good enough.
We may be totally unaware of this because we have buried it deep, but there is something in there that keeps us held back! Fear? Maybe it is just our own fear that holds us back? Let me ask you this; what will happen when you become successful with your idea, what will it bring for you? Are you prepared for it? Have you visualized what you and your life will be when this happens? Are you OK with that? Maybe you actually fear the success? Yes, many people uncover this fear, because the reality of success is unfamiliar, something we do not know? It is a block! We Need To Find That Block And Remove It! OK so we need to find exactly what and where this block is to be able to remove it and replace it with something positive.
If it turns out that it was something said to us as a child or youth, we need to acknowledge it, accept that was in the past and we no longer need that! And if it is something we have simply developed our self, then we need to figure out why on earth we would develop this belief in our self! How Do We Do This? When I was training as a therapist, I learned a fantastic therapy called Emotional Block Clearance, it was very clever and fascinating although totally exhausting! We would have to meditate on the problem and go back to the time when the problem occurred, acknowledge it and then let it go! I was hooked and believed this was the way to heal ourselves of past pain, but I have to say it would drag me down for day's and I would feel all the emotions all over again of the past trauma, I was actually reliving the pain! I am happy to say that these day's we have some amazing techniques that allow us to do the very same job in minutes or even seconds! My favourite and the one I would highly recommend is the Emotional Freedom Technique, this does the very same job! We find the root of the problem and we simply tap along meridian points to release the block that is held within our energy and mind, this is an amazing technique that can remove any emotional or negative pattern that holds us back from achieving the life we want! Not only that, but we remove a block that creates illness if not addressed!