Popular Gender Selection Methods
Finding out that she is pregnant is a wonderful occasion in a woman's life. However, finding out the gender of her unborn child can be even more momentous. Some women prefer to have a little girl, while others prefer to have a boy, and many women don't really mind one way or the other just as long as their baby is healthy and happy.
There are many ways to try to plan and/or predict the gender of your choice. Some are rather scientific, others just plain fun!
The Shettles Method
Dr. Landrum B. Shettles developed this method in which he believes that if you were to have sex 2 to 3 days before you ovulate, you would conceive a girl. Since the boy-sperm die off quickly, only the girl sperm would still be around when you ovulated. Conversely, if you were
to have sex a day before, or on the day of, ovulation, you would conceive a boy according to the Shettles method.
pH Levels
It is also believed that the pH level of a woman's reproductive tract can influence the gender of the baby. If your reproductive tract is more alkaline then you will likely conceive a son. However, if your tract is more acidic then you will likely conceive a daughter. In order to
create an alkaline environment, it is suggested that you use a douche of water and baking soda prior to sex; for a more acidic environment, use a douche of water and vinegar.
The Whelan Method
Dr. Elizabeth Whelan, Sc.D., believes that a woman's biochemical changes that occur in her body prior to ovulation can help in planning a baby's gender. For couples who wish to have a daughter, Dr. Whelan suggests that sex be avoided until 2 or 3 days before ovulation occurs;
to conceive a son, couples should have sex 4 to 6 days before the woman's basal body temperature rises.
The Bump
It has long been believed that the way in which a woman carries her unborn child can predict its sex. If you are carrying low and more in the front, then it is believed to be a boy. However, if you are carrying higher and slightly wider, then you have a little girl.
The Baby Beat
The next time you go in for an ultrasound, listen to your baby's heartbeat. If their heart rate is over 140 beats per minute, then you are having a girl. If the baby's heart rate is under 140 beats per minute, then you are having a boy.
The Wedding Ring Test
This is a fun test to try – tie your wedding ring onto a piece of string and then dangle it over your belly. If your wedding ring swings in robust circles, then you are carrying a girl. If the wedding ring moves back and forth determinately, then you are carrying a boy.
No matter what your gender preference is, trying some of these techniques can be quite entertaining and fun to try!
There are many ways to try to plan and/or predict the gender of your choice. Some are rather scientific, others just plain fun!
The Shettles Method
Dr. Landrum B. Shettles developed this method in which he believes that if you were to have sex 2 to 3 days before you ovulate, you would conceive a girl. Since the boy-sperm die off quickly, only the girl sperm would still be around when you ovulated. Conversely, if you were
to have sex a day before, or on the day of, ovulation, you would conceive a boy according to the Shettles method.
pH Levels
It is also believed that the pH level of a woman's reproductive tract can influence the gender of the baby. If your reproductive tract is more alkaline then you will likely conceive a son. However, if your tract is more acidic then you will likely conceive a daughter. In order to
create an alkaline environment, it is suggested that you use a douche of water and baking soda prior to sex; for a more acidic environment, use a douche of water and vinegar.
The Whelan Method
Dr. Elizabeth Whelan, Sc.D., believes that a woman's biochemical changes that occur in her body prior to ovulation can help in planning a baby's gender. For couples who wish to have a daughter, Dr. Whelan suggests that sex be avoided until 2 or 3 days before ovulation occurs;
to conceive a son, couples should have sex 4 to 6 days before the woman's basal body temperature rises.
The Bump
It has long been believed that the way in which a woman carries her unborn child can predict its sex. If you are carrying low and more in the front, then it is believed to be a boy. However, if you are carrying higher and slightly wider, then you have a little girl.
The Baby Beat
The next time you go in for an ultrasound, listen to your baby's heartbeat. If their heart rate is over 140 beats per minute, then you are having a girl. If the baby's heart rate is under 140 beats per minute, then you are having a boy.
The Wedding Ring Test
This is a fun test to try – tie your wedding ring onto a piece of string and then dangle it over your belly. If your wedding ring swings in robust circles, then you are carrying a girl. If the wedding ring moves back and forth determinately, then you are carrying a boy.
No matter what your gender preference is, trying some of these techniques can be quite entertaining and fun to try!