Healthy Ways to Cleanse the Liver
- The American Dietetic Association recommends that an adult drink 64 ounces (8 cups) of water each day in the article "Water, Water Everywhere---How Much Should You Drink?" Drinking plenty of liquids each day such as water, fruit juices and vegetable juices all help to flush debris from the tissues and cells in the body. Fluids can also dilute any toxins or poisons in the body that may cause or contribute to various diseases. The liver is benefited by a total body cleanse or flush. With less harmful substances in the body, the liver is not overburdened.
- There are a few vitamins that are vitally important to overall liver health and functioning. The article "15 Ways to Love Your Liver" by Dr. Andrew Saul on the DoctorYourself website offers many tips on treating your liver well. Vitamins C and vitamin B-complex are necessary for proper liver functioning. Vitamin C helps to fight infections, and as an antioxidant, the vitamin also protects the liver from free radicals, which are harmful substances that can damage cells and tissues. Taking just 500 milligrams a day of vitamin C can prevent viral hepatitis. The B vitamins, like folic acid and B12, are needed for strengthening the liver. Take supplements of these vitamins or eat foods rich in these vitamins, like citrus fruits and green vegetables.
- Another good way to cleanse the liver is to eat more high-fiber foods, reports Dr. Saul. Whole grains, fruits, vegetables and legume are all examples of good sources of fiber. Fiber helps the body in eliminating wastes by making stools large and soft. Having more-frequent bowel movements helps to cleanse the entire body. With less waste in the body, the liver can do its filtering job at a more effective rate.
Fiber also provides the body with important minerals and vitamins like B vitamins. The Mayo Clinic suggests eating 20 to 35 grams of fiber each day in its article entitled "Constipation." Try to eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables each day.
Drink Fluids
Take VItamins
Eat Fiber