How to Use the Perfect Ab Rocker
- 1). Place the Ab Rocker on a flat surface. Make sure it is level and stable before proceeding. Use an exercise mat for comfort, but make sure the unit remains stable.
- 2). Ease yourself down onto the floor. Put your head in the head support. Shift your weight until you are in a comfortable position. Grab the handles firmly with both hands.
- 3). Rock slowly forward, contracting your stomach muscles and using them to create motion. Avoid pushing forward too fast or pulling with your arms, as this will not fully work your abs: You will be using momentum to move forward, rather than muscle. Exhale as you rock forward.
- 4). Rock backward slowly, continuing to contract your muscles. Inhale as you rock backward. Complete up to 15 repetitions. Stop if you feel discomfort. Increase the number of repetitions as your abdominal muscles get stronger.
- 5). Lift your feet slightly off the floor and bend your knees at a 45-degree angle to work your lower abdominals. Balance yourself on the Ab Rocker. Contract your lower abdominals and rock slowly forward, moving your elbows toward your knees. Slowly rock back, keeping your lower abdominals tight. Complete as many sets of 15 repetitions as you can while remaining comfortable.
- 6). Adjust the Ripple Effect resistance bands on the Ab Rocker to the "medium" or "challenging" setting for a more challenging workout. Work at your own pace.