Your Guide To Home Eczema Remedies - Treat Eczema Today
Eczema is basically a skin disorder. It is also better known as dermatitis or inflammation of the epidermis. Eczema comes in different forms and infects mostly infants and children, although it can cause ongoing problems for adults also. The symptoms include swelling, redness, dryness, cracking, rashes, and even bleeding. In order to treat the problem you first need to identify the cause. Aside from the topical drug treatment, home eczema remedies are available to provide relief to patients. Here are some of the strategies you can use.
Environment Matters
Environmental factors can also aggravate dermatitis and eczema. A good home remedy for eczema is keeping your house clean. Dust mites have been identified as one of the possible causes for allergic dermatitis. The best way tot get rid of them is to keep your carpets and rugs clean. Vacuuming is an effective way to clean these materials. Good circulation of air can also help. Keep fresh air circulating by opening some windows, or if this isn't an option invest in an air purifier.
Dry skin aggravates eczema. If you want to avoid suffering from the flaking and scaling problems in your skin, moisturize with oil or creams. Use them twice a day for best results. If you have problems with eczema on your hands sleeping with moisturizing gloves can help to lock in the moisture. Increasing your fluid intake will also help to hydrate your skin from the inside out. Avoid using products that dry the skin. Soaps and harsh detergents can rob your skin of it's natural oils and make it very dry and irritated. When choosing bath soap, go for the unscented and mild types with oil-based ingredients. These home remedies for eczema can help prevent worsening the condition.
Getting The Right Diet
Figuring out what foods cause allergic reactions is one of the most important eczema home remedies. Some of the foods known to trigger dermatitis include nuts, soybean products and dairy products such as eggs.
Bath and Beauty Basics
Your bathing and beauty practices can also be used as at home remedies for eczema. When you have a bath or shower avoid wash cloths that are harsh, such as loofahs or exfoliating sponges, as these cause tiny cracks in your skin and can make your eczema much worse. Instead use soft cloths or even none at all. When drying off don't rub your skin or use any vigorous actions. Instead you should gently pat yourself dry with the towel. Use hypoallergenic moisturizers or oil to moisten your body. Apply the cream or lotion at least twice a day.
If you find that these home eczema remedies are not working for you then it might be time to see a dermatologist. Hopefully these eczema home remedies will help you with your symptoms, but if not then seek professional advice to help solve your problem.
Environment Matters
Environmental factors can also aggravate dermatitis and eczema. A good home remedy for eczema is keeping your house clean. Dust mites have been identified as one of the possible causes for allergic dermatitis. The best way tot get rid of them is to keep your carpets and rugs clean. Vacuuming is an effective way to clean these materials. Good circulation of air can also help. Keep fresh air circulating by opening some windows, or if this isn't an option invest in an air purifier.
Dry skin aggravates eczema. If you want to avoid suffering from the flaking and scaling problems in your skin, moisturize with oil or creams. Use them twice a day for best results. If you have problems with eczema on your hands sleeping with moisturizing gloves can help to lock in the moisture. Increasing your fluid intake will also help to hydrate your skin from the inside out. Avoid using products that dry the skin. Soaps and harsh detergents can rob your skin of it's natural oils and make it very dry and irritated. When choosing bath soap, go for the unscented and mild types with oil-based ingredients. These home remedies for eczema can help prevent worsening the condition.
Getting The Right Diet
Figuring out what foods cause allergic reactions is one of the most important eczema home remedies. Some of the foods known to trigger dermatitis include nuts, soybean products and dairy products such as eggs.
Bath and Beauty Basics
Your bathing and beauty practices can also be used as at home remedies for eczema. When you have a bath or shower avoid wash cloths that are harsh, such as loofahs or exfoliating sponges, as these cause tiny cracks in your skin and can make your eczema much worse. Instead use soft cloths or even none at all. When drying off don't rub your skin or use any vigorous actions. Instead you should gently pat yourself dry with the towel. Use hypoallergenic moisturizers or oil to moisten your body. Apply the cream or lotion at least twice a day.
If you find that these home eczema remedies are not working for you then it might be time to see a dermatologist. Hopefully these eczema home remedies will help you with your symptoms, but if not then seek professional advice to help solve your problem.