Pregnancy Superfoods
Pregnancy Superfoods
Orange Juice (fortified)
Pork Tenderloin
Sweet Potato
Whole Grains
Yogurt (plain low-fat or fat-free)
Pregnancy Superfoods
In this article
- Why: Eggs supply the gold-standard of protein, because they provide all of the amino acids you and your baby need to thrive. They also include more than a dozen vitamins and minerals, such as choline, lutein, and zeaxanthin. Certain brands supply the omega-3 fats baby needs for brain development and peak vision, so check the label.
- Enjoy: In omelets and frittatas, in salads and sandwiches, in homemade waffles, crepes, and whole-grain French toast, as snacks, hard-cooked, or scrambled
- Why: It's an excellent source of calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D -- bone-building nutrients mother and child require every day. Milk also packs protein, vitamin A, and B vitamins.
- Enjoy: Plain or flavored, in smoothies made with fruit, over whole-grain cereal and fruit, and in pudding; prepare oatmeal in the microwave with milk instead of water.
Orange Juice (fortified)
- Why: Orange juice with added calcium and vitamin D contains the same levels of these nutrients as milk. Plus, orange juice supplies hefty doses of vitamin C, potassium, and folate.
- Enjoy: Plain or frozen as pops or ice cubes, as part of smoothies.
Pork Tenderloin
- Why: Pork tenderloin is as lean as boneless, skinless chicken breast, and it serves up the B vitamins thiamin and niacin, vitamin B6, zinc, iron, and choline.
- Enjoy: Grilled, broiled, or baked.
- Why: For the protein, B vitamins, and the omega-3 fats that promote brain development and vision in babies
- Enjoy: Grilled or broiled, use canned salmon in salads and sandwiches.
Sweet Potato
- Why: Sweet potatoes pack vitamin C, folate, fiber, and carotenoids -- compounds your body converts to vitamin A. They also supply potassium in large amounts.
- Enjoy: Baked, sliced cold, cooked, peeled potatoes for snacks and side dishes, mashed with orange juice, and roasted: slice washed sweet potato into wedges, coat lightly with canola oil, and roast on a baking sheet at 400 degrees Fahrenheit until tender, about 15 to 20 minutes.
Whole Grains
- Why: Enriched whole grains are fortified with folic acid and other B vitamins, iron, and zinc. Whole grains contain more fiber and trace nutrients than processed grains, such as white bread, white rice, and white flour.
- Enjoy: Oatmeal for breakfast, whole-grain breads for sandwiches, brown rice, wild rice, whole-wheat pasta, or quinoa for dinner, popcorn, or whole-grain crackers for snacks
Yogurt (plain low-fat or fat-free)
- Why: For the protein, calcium, B vitamins, and zinc; plain yogurt contains more calcium than milk.
- Enjoy: Stir in: fruit preserves or honey, fresh or dried fruit, or crunchy whole-grain cereal. Use plain yogurt to top cooked sweet potatoes or to make smoothies.