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Alternative Medicine : Health & Medical

The Magic of Hypnosis for Weight Loss

You may have watched hypnosis on T.V, or attended a hypnotist stage show, and would have viewed people performing some very unusual behaviors. People, singing, dancing, acting like that are washing machines, or viewing objects ...

Understanding Armpit Sweating Surgery Techniques

Armpit sweating surgery is about the most costly and most invasive method of treating hyperhidrosis. Before undertaking such a dramatic step, make sure to do your research and get the medical opinions of your general practitioner and any specialists that may be recommended.

Best Known Natural Home Remedies For Low Milk Supply

Coming to the first group of natural home remedies for low milk supply, one could benefit a lot with taking certain vegetables. Fennel, a licorice flavored herb has been known for its beneficial effects in promoting lactation.

Fluoride Health Dangers in Drinking Water

Did you know that the fluoride in drinking water can be dangerous to your health? Fluoride is commonly added to the water supplies of 60% of our cities to improve dental health. Some reports suggest ...

This Medicine Use for Cough Treatment

Koflet is helpful in every productive and dry cough. The mucolytic and medication properties deflate the consistency of channel secretions and facilitate expectoration. KofletâEUR(TM)s peripheral drug (cough reliever) action reduces channelmembrane irritation and connected broncho ...

Reduce the Pain of Frozen Shoulder by Simple Remedies

Some people become incapacitated with a frozen shoulder and become concerned that it may be with them forever. The medical term used to describe this condition is adhesive capsulitis. The term adhesive means sticky and ...

Diabetes treatment by Natural herbals

Now-a-day's people with diabetes start searching for a alternative to modern medicine because of its side effects and high cost involved.Diabetes natural herbs can be consider for the treatment of dia

Alternative Treatment For Sprained Ankle And Ankle Pain

Strains and sprains are usually caused by a wrench, and cause pain, increased by movement or by putting weight on the foot. There will be swelling and perhaps bruising. There may also be damage to the ligaments.

Enhance Your Eyes with Eyelash Growth

Eyelash development wasn't a concern at each of the few years back. Mascara, eyelash amplification and so on were utilized to get those more full lashes. However utilizing these components is

Can Home Remedies Actually Work?

Going to the doctor isn't anybody's idea of enjoyment. You will often have to wait for a very long time both in the waiting room area and in the actual exam room itself. Nobody wishes ...

Dry Brushing: How To Do It, And Its Benefits

The skin eliminates over one pound of waste acids each day in the average adult, most of it through the sweat glands. Dry brushing is a way to quicken detoxification. How to do dry brushing and its benefits are explained.