How to Avoid Sea Sickness
- 1). Try an over-the-counter motion sickness medication such as Dramamine. Many people find that these medications can offer relief from sea sickness. However, some pills may impair your mental functioning. This may not work if you are going to be driving the boat or performing other important duties on the water.
- 2). Wear an earplug in one ear. This can interfere with your brain's sensitivity to motion sickness due to the way the vestibular system works.
- 3). Stay near the center of the boat. The boat's movements feel the least pronounced in the boat's center, as opposed to the edges, where you will feel the most movement.
- 4). Look toward the horizon. If you have to be at the edge of the boat, giving your eyes a fixed, non-moving focus can help alleviate nausea. Don't read or stare at fixed objects that are inside the boat. This will send your brain conflicting messages when combined with the feelings of movement and will probably make your sea sickness worse.
- 5). Take ginger along with you. Many people swear by ginger as a natural remedy for motion sickness. Or, bring ginger snaps as a snack to help alleviate any nausea.
- 6). Wear a wristband. Wristbands use acupressure in order to send signals to your brain that should minimize nausea. Pharmacy stores should have wristbands in stock that are intended for motion sickness prevention.