Creams for Getting Rid of Dry Skin and How to Make Them More Effective
In this article I'm going to show you how to make creams for getting rid of dry skin more effective, and at the same time help you decide how to choose which of the many natural topical creams for dry skin are best for you.
We've all noticed what the skin of a baby or young person feels like. Soft, smooth, with a gelatin type quality to it. I don't know of many babies or young people who use creams for getting rid of dry skin. They are born with great skin as were all of us. There are many factors that lead up to dry skin and force people to reach for the creams for getting rid of dry skin.
One of the biggest reasons for dry skin is not consuming enough pure water or healthy liquids. We need water and lots of it or our skin gradually dries out. We need at least 8 glasses of clean pure water and or quality juice per day. Water can also dry your skin out if you bathe or shower in water that has high chlorine content.
Chlorine is an extreme drying agent. Unless you are using a chlorine shower head filter you are getting to much chlorine. If you don't use a water filter for your drinking water, you are getting a double whammy from the inside out and you'll soon be reaching for the creams for getting rid of dry skin.
Genetics play a part in your skin type. While for the most part as mentioned above we all start out with great skin. Some people's skin just dries out faster than others. The weather also plays a big part in your skin dryness.
Do you live in a hot dry climate, or are you subject to cold dry winters? Both will have you reaching for creams for getting rid of dry skin So how do you choose the right cream? Two basic rules will help in making the right selection.
1) Do not choose any dry skin product that contains alcohol in it. Alcohol actually makes your skin drier and is used by cheap products that do you no good. Ethanol, ethyl alcohol, methanol, benzyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol and SD alcohol should all be avoided.
2) Natural is better. Choose natural topical creams for dry skin that contain all natural ingredients such as Collagen, Phytessence Wakame, and CoQ10 Bottom line, if you want something that really works don't skimp on the price when choosing natural topical creams for dry skin. Choosing the right one may not give you the skin that you had as a baby, however, it will go a long way in helping to get rid of that dry skin.
We've all noticed what the skin of a baby or young person feels like. Soft, smooth, with a gelatin type quality to it. I don't know of many babies or young people who use creams for getting rid of dry skin. They are born with great skin as were all of us. There are many factors that lead up to dry skin and force people to reach for the creams for getting rid of dry skin.
One of the biggest reasons for dry skin is not consuming enough pure water or healthy liquids. We need water and lots of it or our skin gradually dries out. We need at least 8 glasses of clean pure water and or quality juice per day. Water can also dry your skin out if you bathe or shower in water that has high chlorine content.
Chlorine is an extreme drying agent. Unless you are using a chlorine shower head filter you are getting to much chlorine. If you don't use a water filter for your drinking water, you are getting a double whammy from the inside out and you'll soon be reaching for the creams for getting rid of dry skin.
Genetics play a part in your skin type. While for the most part as mentioned above we all start out with great skin. Some people's skin just dries out faster than others. The weather also plays a big part in your skin dryness.
Do you live in a hot dry climate, or are you subject to cold dry winters? Both will have you reaching for creams for getting rid of dry skin So how do you choose the right cream? Two basic rules will help in making the right selection.
1) Do not choose any dry skin product that contains alcohol in it. Alcohol actually makes your skin drier and is used by cheap products that do you no good. Ethanol, ethyl alcohol, methanol, benzyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol and SD alcohol should all be avoided.
2) Natural is better. Choose natural topical creams for dry skin that contain all natural ingredients such as Collagen, Phytessence Wakame, and CoQ10 Bottom line, if you want something that really works don't skimp on the price when choosing natural topical creams for dry skin. Choosing the right one may not give you the skin that you had as a baby, however, it will go a long way in helping to get rid of that dry skin.