Treatment of Angular Cheilitis - Curing Your Angular Cheilitis
The treatment of Angular Cheilitis should be a very simple one, and easily acquirable - in fact, they do exist, and you may already have it in your home right now.
But in order to fully understand what is involved, we should come to a batter understanding of what makes this condition occur, in order to further understand how to make this workable treatment of Angular Cheilitis work effectively.
Let's take a look at what causes this.
Angular Cheilitis, otherwise known as Perleche or Stomitis, occurs at the corners of the mouth, manifesting as "splits" or paper cut-like lesions with redness like a rash, accompanied by pain and discomfort.
Moisture which naturally exists in these areas is part of the catalyst which feeds into the activity which worsens this condition.
The microbial enemy here is fungal bacteria, which thrives in wrinkles, folds or creases in the skin, and in the moisture than can collect in this area.
These folds can be present for a few reasons.
Maybe we have acquired these from becoming overweight.
Maybe our teeth (or dentures) are misaligned, forcing us to "over-close" our mouths around them, creating these creases.
Then again, some of us out there may even have wrinkles from old age.
Whatever the reason, the stage is set for fungal bacteria to do its nasty work by these two situations being present.
Naturally, the moisture which collects in these creases is what feeds the fungal bacteria and allows it to thrive.
Common antibiotics and hydro cortisone products seem to be utterly ineffective at eliminating this, so what can be done? In order to attack this problem at its root with an effective treatment of Angular Cheilitis, all we need to realize is that fungal bacteria simply can not survive in a moisture free environment - it's just impossible.
The beauty of this is it's really that simple...
starve the fungal bacteria from moisture, and it simply dies off.
Now, the only problem seems to be finding the treatment of Angular Cheilitis which can dry up these areas without damaging your skin, right? To dry up your skin would just be unhealthy (never mind exceedingly difficult for long durations in these areas), and could cause other problems.
What we need is a topical remedy than can dry out the bacteria, totally eliminating it, but without drying out your skin.
Many turn to home remedies for this, which use natural ingredients found in the home.
These destroy the fungal bacteria, thusly curing the entire condition, and in almost all cases, the condition never returns.
It is with these home remedies that we can attain a real, workable treatment of Angular Cheilitis.
But in order to fully understand what is involved, we should come to a batter understanding of what makes this condition occur, in order to further understand how to make this workable treatment of Angular Cheilitis work effectively.
Let's take a look at what causes this.
Angular Cheilitis, otherwise known as Perleche or Stomitis, occurs at the corners of the mouth, manifesting as "splits" or paper cut-like lesions with redness like a rash, accompanied by pain and discomfort.
Moisture which naturally exists in these areas is part of the catalyst which feeds into the activity which worsens this condition.
The microbial enemy here is fungal bacteria, which thrives in wrinkles, folds or creases in the skin, and in the moisture than can collect in this area.
These folds can be present for a few reasons.
Maybe we have acquired these from becoming overweight.
Maybe our teeth (or dentures) are misaligned, forcing us to "over-close" our mouths around them, creating these creases.
Then again, some of us out there may even have wrinkles from old age.
Whatever the reason, the stage is set for fungal bacteria to do its nasty work by these two situations being present.
Naturally, the moisture which collects in these creases is what feeds the fungal bacteria and allows it to thrive.
Common antibiotics and hydro cortisone products seem to be utterly ineffective at eliminating this, so what can be done? In order to attack this problem at its root with an effective treatment of Angular Cheilitis, all we need to realize is that fungal bacteria simply can not survive in a moisture free environment - it's just impossible.
The beauty of this is it's really that simple...
starve the fungal bacteria from moisture, and it simply dies off.
Now, the only problem seems to be finding the treatment of Angular Cheilitis which can dry up these areas without damaging your skin, right? To dry up your skin would just be unhealthy (never mind exceedingly difficult for long durations in these areas), and could cause other problems.
What we need is a topical remedy than can dry out the bacteria, totally eliminating it, but without drying out your skin.
Many turn to home remedies for this, which use natural ingredients found in the home.
These destroy the fungal bacteria, thusly curing the entire condition, and in almost all cases, the condition never returns.
It is with these home remedies that we can attain a real, workable treatment of Angular Cheilitis.