Sharing Grief, Shock Worldwide on Message Boards
Sharing Grief, Shock Worldwide on Message Boards
QMOTO1 (AOL): I worked in the Trade Center and lost at least 50 to 100 of my co-workers and close friends. At first I saw people jumping out of the buildings and could wonder why, but now I feel like I should have done the same. Why am I so lucky to have survived?
Louise92 (WebMD): To watch that much death, terror, and devastation is so unreal to me. I sit here in the comfort of my home and watch thousands of people die. I watch and am helpless, and I can't even give blood because of lupus and because I have had cancer.
MissyDea in Australia (WebMD): I personally feel grief-stricken, as do all Australians, for this could have happened to us.
Hopefullymom in India (WebMD): It was horrifying to watch the news and read the newspapers today. We are shell-shocked that there are human beings who can think such evil. Don't they have families, children, wives?
Younginpain (WebMD): It is not only the people whose family and friends were killed or injured in these attacks who are affected, but the entire nation. Today was the largest attack on American soil. We have survived through many tragedies, and as a nation we will get through this as well.
Lpablowiberg (AOL): Yesterday, as our entire Nation stood at a stand still, I asked God to help us all. I felt deep pain for all the innocent people who lost their lives and I could not control my tears. I felt numb and the pain overwhelmed me.
Louise92 (WebMD): I am sitting at work, feeling lost and horrified. The stories of people jumping from the buildings, the magnitude of the loss of lives and peace of mind for the American people. The incidents just kept happening. I saw the live feed of the plane crashing into the second tower. I saw the horror written on faces of everyone here. I want to crawl in a hole and cry for the world.
AnniePenny (WebMD): I think we are all victims of this ... we have been ripped of our safety.
Sharing Grief, Shock Worldwide on Message Boards
First, there was shock and grief:
QMOTO1 (AOL): I worked in the Trade Center and lost at least 50 to 100 of my co-workers and close friends. At first I saw people jumping out of the buildings and could wonder why, but now I feel like I should have done the same. Why am I so lucky to have survived?
Louise92 (WebMD): To watch that much death, terror, and devastation is so unreal to me. I sit here in the comfort of my home and watch thousands of people die. I watch and am helpless, and I can't even give blood because of lupus and because I have had cancer.
MissyDea in Australia (WebMD): I personally feel grief-stricken, as do all Australians, for this could have happened to us.
Hopefullymom in India (WebMD): It was horrifying to watch the news and read the newspapers today. We are shell-shocked that there are human beings who can think such evil. Don't they have families, children, wives?
Younginpain (WebMD): It is not only the people whose family and friends were killed or injured in these attacks who are affected, but the entire nation. Today was the largest attack on American soil. We have survived through many tragedies, and as a nation we will get through this as well.
Lpablowiberg (AOL): Yesterday, as our entire Nation stood at a stand still, I asked God to help us all. I felt deep pain for all the innocent people who lost their lives and I could not control my tears. I felt numb and the pain overwhelmed me.
Louise92 (WebMD): I am sitting at work, feeling lost and horrified. The stories of people jumping from the buildings, the magnitude of the loss of lives and peace of mind for the American people. The incidents just kept happening. I saw the live feed of the plane crashing into the second tower. I saw the horror written on faces of everyone here. I want to crawl in a hole and cry for the world.
There was anger:
AnniePenny (WebMD): I think we are all victims of this ... we have been ripped of our safety.