The Truth About Drinking Alcohol While Trying to Lose Weight
Many weight loss diets will tell you not to drink at all if you want to lose weight. The truth is that drinking alcoholic beverages while trying to lose weight is not all bad. In fact, you can drink moderately and still lose weight. However, you do need to know a few basic facts, if you want to drink and still shed excess pounds.
Drinking Alcohol in Moderation
A glass of wine, beer or other spirits can enhance a meal with family and friends. Just because you are on a diet does not mean you have to cut out the alcohol altogether. You do need to consider the calories you are adding from each drink. This should be included in your overall weight loss plan.
Read the chart below to discover how many calories are in each drink
· 12 oz Bottle of Beer - 150 calories
· 8 oz Mixed Drink - 150 calories
· 5 oz Glass of Wine - 100 calories
What is Considered Drinking in Moderation?
Everyone hears about how you should drink in moderation. However, you never hear exactly what that entails. Is it 1, 2 or 3 drinks a day moderations? Can you have several on the weekend if that is all you drink? What exactly does moderation mean?
For the most part, moderation is defined at drinking one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men. The above list describes what one drink is considered.
Some People Should Not Drink Period
A few groups of people should not have even one drink whether they are trying to lose weight or not. The USDA has determined that the following groups should stay away from alcohol altogether.
As you can see, drinking in moderation can be done while losing weight, if you know the facts. Factor in the calories, make sure you are not in one of the do not drink groups, and you can have an occasional drink and still lose weight.
Drinking Alcohol in Moderation
A glass of wine, beer or other spirits can enhance a meal with family and friends. Just because you are on a diet does not mean you have to cut out the alcohol altogether. You do need to consider the calories you are adding from each drink. This should be included in your overall weight loss plan.
Read the chart below to discover how many calories are in each drink
· 12 oz Bottle of Beer - 150 calories
· 8 oz Mixed Drink - 150 calories
· 5 oz Glass of Wine - 100 calories
What is Considered Drinking in Moderation?
Everyone hears about how you should drink in moderation. However, you never hear exactly what that entails. Is it 1, 2 or 3 drinks a day moderations? Can you have several on the weekend if that is all you drink? What exactly does moderation mean?
For the most part, moderation is defined at drinking one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men. The above list describes what one drink is considered.
Some People Should Not Drink Period
A few groups of people should not have even one drink whether they are trying to lose weight or not. The USDA has determined that the following groups should stay away from alcohol altogether.
- · Children and teens - If you are under 21, then it is not only illegal but dangerous to drink.
- · Those who cannot drink in moderation - While some may think this is only for alcoholics, it applies to anyone who cannot drink just one. "Social Drinkers" especially need to consider if they can have just one.
- · Women who are pregnant or trying to become pregnant - Fetal alcohol poisoning is a very dangerous thing for children. If you are trying to get pregnant or are already pregnant, then please do not drink even one drink.
- · Anyone needing to drive - It takes two or three hours for the alcohol to leave your system. This means that one drink at lunch and a drive home is not only dangerous but it could get you a DWI.
- · Anyone on medication - You do not know how alcohol will affect your medication. Mixing alcohol and medication can be very dangerous.
As you can see, drinking in moderation can be done while losing weight, if you know the facts. Factor in the calories, make sure you are not in one of the do not drink groups, and you can have an occasional drink and still lose weight.