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Universal Law Number One - Perception Goes No Further Than How One Sees Self

I am going to illustrate through your own perception how all reality is subjective and personal in nature.
For as many different sentient beings residing on this planet, there are among that number an equal amount of perceived realities.
The causal affectations of one's mind and its views are what dictate how the mind perceives its surroundings accordingly.
If the mind is busy then the world around it is busy.
Like ripples on a pond, thoughts shimmer, splash and radiate thusly distorting what is actually being reflected.
By that same token a still mind reflects only what is there and makes no effort to distort what is being felt and witnessed.
For instance, an angry person will be all too quick to be able to point out another angry person and what is more, if the anger of the perceiver is deeply rooted at a subconscious level, the anger perceived, more often than not, is not recognized as their own.
The mind is only a mirror.
The reflective surface of a still pond on a moonlit night.
Mind sees a tree it reflects a tree.
Bird, bird.
Happiness, happiness, etc..
The cultural composites comprising the perceiver's mind and how it looks at things also point directly to the source of their perceived reality.
It is very difficult for a very troubled person to recognize an awakened person simply because they do not recognize that awakened nature within themselves.
They might in fact find the awakened person to be ineffectual, arrogant, condescending, or utterly loathesome with pretentiousness without realizing that those are the qualities within themselves judging the perceived awakened person.
The awakened one is merely a mirror.
The non-realized one is a rippled pond with a latent tendency toward inward stillness.
The awakened one sees the other as is, witnessing and observing the true nature of within with no more thought than just observing it.
That is the true task of mind.
Presence stills the ripples.
Knowledge creates them.
Thinking agitates the still waters and distorts the perceived reality by not remaining present with nowness and beingness in the fore.
Rippled thoughts, rippled reality with each ripple representing a stance or conditioned view making perception askew.
If one is stressed then one will perceive predominantly stressful things.
A like thing always begets a like thing.
Polish the mind with presence.
Wipe it clean by not seeking to know anything or attain anything as one cannot become what one already is and one cannot attain what one already has.
Keep it still by reflecting without judgment what is actually all around or in you.
That is your task.
That is what and who you are.
Presence reflecting creation.
Source experiencing its Self.
An awakened mind always recognizes another awakened mind and further more it can even recognize the latent awakened nature within a turbulent mind because it does not perceive it as other than.
Awareness is both a sword and a light simultaneously slicing through egoic machinations while shining away the shadows leaving only a clear path to walk on and BE in.
Make your mind as a still pond and then you will only reflect the beauty that is and what YOU ARE.
Cheers and Grace
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