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Facial Muscles - Your Personal Identity

People remember faces a lot easier than they can remember names, and when you start to think about what really makes your face "you", there is little wonder why this is the case. It is this personal make up that everyone around you can easily identify as being you, and it only takes a quick glance for this recognition to take place.

Although we all feature this unique personal look, we all share the same basic facial build to display our emotions of happiness, sadness, surprise and unfortunately show the signs of aging too. Our face is made up of 21 different facial muscles which work together to display these emotions.

The facial muscles include:

Occipitofrontalis - These muscles cover the frontal part of the skull which pull the skalp back and raise the eyebrows. This also results in wrinkles forming in the forehead.

Procerus - Small pyramid muscle sitting deep to the superior orbital nerve which pulls down on the skin between the eyebrows.

Nasalis muscle - Compresses the nasal cartilage and comprises of the transverse and alar.

Depressor septi nasi - This muscle can be found between the mucous membrane and the lip

Orbicularis oculi - These muscles aid in the closing of the eyes

Corrugator supercilii - Another muscle which results in causing wrinkles in the forehead. The muscle pulls the eyebrow downwards to produce these wrinkles.

Depressor supercilii - Is an eye muscle however its actions are often disputed and are considered by dermatologists to be an assistance in the movement of the eyebrow.

Auricular muscles (anterior, superior, posterior) - 3 muscles which are found around the ears.

Orbicularis oris - The muscle surrounding the mouth consisting of a number of fibers to aid in movement.

Depressor anguli oris - A small muscle which aids in frowning.

Risorius - This muscle is the main cause of the smile, retracting the angle of the mouth.

Zygomaticus major - Drawing on the angle of the mouth at the corners further aiding in facial expression.

Zygomaticus minor - Inserts on the upper lip and again helps to raise the corners of the mouth leading to a smile.

Levator labii superioris - One of the broadest muscles in the face extending from the side of the nose.

Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi - This muscle dilates the nostril, elevating the upper lip enabling people to snarl.

Depressor labii inferioris - A small muscle at the lower part of the face helping to lower the bottom lip.

Levator anguli oris - Very small muscle rising from the mouth.

Like any muscle in the body when they are not used regularly they gradually deteriorate over time. As a result the skin loses elasticity which then causes wrinkles to form.
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