A Word of Caution BEFORE You Venture Into the Sun This Summer!
Are you aware of the dangers of using sunscreens? Rather than protecting us from the sun, sunscreens can cause you even greater harm and may actually increase your risk of cancer.
This is because: a) The chemicals in most commercial sunscreens are carcinogenic.
b) Sunscreen's prevent the absorption of vitamin D.
If you have no choice but to use a sunscreen (and risk burning) make sure to use a sunscreen that contains only natural ingredients.
In June 2007, U.
researchers announced the first direct link between cancer prevention and the "sunshine vitamin" - vitamin D.
Their results were nothing short of astounding.
A 4 year clinical trial involving 1,200 women found that those women who had optimal Vitamin D status (as opposed to 'sub optimal') had a 60 percent reduction in cancer incidence! The best way to obtain vitamin D? Quite simply, from exposure to the sun.
Researchers also announced the strong correlation between cold climates (& therefore lack of sunlight) and higher incidences of cancer.
Health authorities have led us to believe that we should avoid the sun's rays at all costs, however the sun is not the culprit! The truth of the matter is that every living thing on Earth depends on the sun for it's survival! Therefore the answer is not to avoid the sun entirely.
On the contrary.
We need to make sure that we're receiving optimum exposure to the sun.
As little as 10-15 mins per day of direct sunlight is all that is required to obtain ideal levels of vitamin D in the body.
However, the key is to never get sunburned.
Some of the best ways to avoid sunburn include taking precautions such as: 1.
Wearing protective clothing eg: a hat, long-sleeved shirt etc 2.
Limit exposure to the sun at the peak times - between 11 am and 1pm.
And for your children, reduce exposure to the sun - particularly during the hours of 11 a.
to 3 p.
At the beginning of the season limit your exposure to the sun.
Progressively increase the time you spend in the sun so that after a few weeks you can spend more time in the sun with much less risk of burning.
There is also another very effective way to protect ourselves against sunburn.
We can do this by building up our own natural 'internal sunscreen' through good nutrition and choosing foods high in antioxidants.
Studies have shown that diets high in antioxidants protect against cell damage.
Oxidative damage (resulting from day to day living but particularly from stress, poor nutrition habits, smoking etc) contributes to DNA mutations, premature aging, and can lead to malfunctions of the cell causing disease including cancer.
Therefore not only will a diet high in antioxidants help to prevent sunburn, it will help to protect against degenerative diseases and cancer.
To obtain sufficient antioxidants, make sure you're consuming a diet high in fruit in vegetables.
If you find it difficult to consume the recommended 5-9 servings of fresh fruit and vegetables every day, try adding 1 or 2 fruit smoothies to your daily nutrition plan.
You could also consider purchasing a juicer so that you can juice vegetables on a regular basis.
In summary: 1) Avoid using commercial sunscreens.
2) Limit sun exposure during peak times of the day.
3) Spend 10-15 minutes daily in the sun for optimum vitamin D levels.
4) Progressively increase your exposure in the sun as summer approaches.
(to avoid sunburn) 5) Be sun smart & protect yourself from excess sun exposure by using your clothing creatively 6) Consume a diet high in antioxidants eg: fruit and vegetables.
This is because: a) The chemicals in most commercial sunscreens are carcinogenic.
b) Sunscreen's prevent the absorption of vitamin D.
If you have no choice but to use a sunscreen (and risk burning) make sure to use a sunscreen that contains only natural ingredients.
In June 2007, U.
researchers announced the first direct link between cancer prevention and the "sunshine vitamin" - vitamin D.
Their results were nothing short of astounding.
A 4 year clinical trial involving 1,200 women found that those women who had optimal Vitamin D status (as opposed to 'sub optimal') had a 60 percent reduction in cancer incidence! The best way to obtain vitamin D? Quite simply, from exposure to the sun.
Researchers also announced the strong correlation between cold climates (& therefore lack of sunlight) and higher incidences of cancer.
Health authorities have led us to believe that we should avoid the sun's rays at all costs, however the sun is not the culprit! The truth of the matter is that every living thing on Earth depends on the sun for it's survival! Therefore the answer is not to avoid the sun entirely.
On the contrary.
We need to make sure that we're receiving optimum exposure to the sun.
As little as 10-15 mins per day of direct sunlight is all that is required to obtain ideal levels of vitamin D in the body.
However, the key is to never get sunburned.
Some of the best ways to avoid sunburn include taking precautions such as: 1.
Wearing protective clothing eg: a hat, long-sleeved shirt etc 2.
Limit exposure to the sun at the peak times - between 11 am and 1pm.
And for your children, reduce exposure to the sun - particularly during the hours of 11 a.
to 3 p.
At the beginning of the season limit your exposure to the sun.
Progressively increase the time you spend in the sun so that after a few weeks you can spend more time in the sun with much less risk of burning.
There is also another very effective way to protect ourselves against sunburn.
We can do this by building up our own natural 'internal sunscreen' through good nutrition and choosing foods high in antioxidants.
Studies have shown that diets high in antioxidants protect against cell damage.
Oxidative damage (resulting from day to day living but particularly from stress, poor nutrition habits, smoking etc) contributes to DNA mutations, premature aging, and can lead to malfunctions of the cell causing disease including cancer.
Therefore not only will a diet high in antioxidants help to prevent sunburn, it will help to protect against degenerative diseases and cancer.
To obtain sufficient antioxidants, make sure you're consuming a diet high in fruit in vegetables.
If you find it difficult to consume the recommended 5-9 servings of fresh fruit and vegetables every day, try adding 1 or 2 fruit smoothies to your daily nutrition plan.
You could also consider purchasing a juicer so that you can juice vegetables on a regular basis.
In summary: 1) Avoid using commercial sunscreens.
2) Limit sun exposure during peak times of the day.
3) Spend 10-15 minutes daily in the sun for optimum vitamin D levels.
4) Progressively increase your exposure in the sun as summer approaches.
(to avoid sunburn) 5) Be sun smart & protect yourself from excess sun exposure by using your clothing creatively 6) Consume a diet high in antioxidants eg: fruit and vegetables.