Natural Ways To Quit Smoking
When a long time smoker has finally come to the point when they know they must stop smoking, they usually also realize that they will need help to stop smoking. As more and more people are becoming aware of the negative side effects of prescription drugs and even of over-the-counter medications, there has been an increased interest in finding natural ways to kick the habit.
There is no question that there are prescription drugs and over-the-counter remedies to help smokers quit and they have been a great help to many people over the years. But in addition to the side effects that people report from using them, they can also be quite expensive. There are even some of these drugs that can become addictive in and of themselves. Who wants to trade in one addiction for another even if it does mean that you will stop smoking cigarettes?
The good news is that these days there are more and more natural remedies that people can use to help them with all kinds of health concerns, including some that can help them kick the cigarette habit. These natural methods can provide a great deal of help to stop smoking, but which one is right for each individual smoker will depend on their beliefs and perceptions of what will best help them.
One of the natural quit smoking methods that most people will come across when they start to do research into the subject is hypnotherapy. You can find quit smoking programs on CDs that take you through several hypnosis sessions to help you overcome your addiction. These sessions typically deal with different aspects of the smoking issue to help you clear all blocks from all angles. In addition, you can also visit a hypnotherapy clinic and get customized sessions to help you with specific problems and issues you might have.
Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT, is another approach that has recently been used to help people give up their cigarette addiction. EFT is a tapping technique that involves light tapping on various meridian points on the body. Tapping these points, similar to stimulating acupuncture points, can help release emotional issues, which are often at the root of a person's need to continue smoking. When these emotional matters are resolved, often the desire to smoke simply melts away.
Some people find that they want to take some type of supplement that will give them help to stop smoking. The taking of an herbal supplement can in some instances help a person feel that they are replacing the smoking with something else that is beneficial to their body. Taking St. John's Wort, which is also used as a natural anti-depressant, has proven to be an effective natural way to quit.
There is no question that there are prescription drugs and over-the-counter remedies to help smokers quit and they have been a great help to many people over the years. But in addition to the side effects that people report from using them, they can also be quite expensive. There are even some of these drugs that can become addictive in and of themselves. Who wants to trade in one addiction for another even if it does mean that you will stop smoking cigarettes?
The good news is that these days there are more and more natural remedies that people can use to help them with all kinds of health concerns, including some that can help them kick the cigarette habit. These natural methods can provide a great deal of help to stop smoking, but which one is right for each individual smoker will depend on their beliefs and perceptions of what will best help them.
One of the natural quit smoking methods that most people will come across when they start to do research into the subject is hypnotherapy. You can find quit smoking programs on CDs that take you through several hypnosis sessions to help you overcome your addiction. These sessions typically deal with different aspects of the smoking issue to help you clear all blocks from all angles. In addition, you can also visit a hypnotherapy clinic and get customized sessions to help you with specific problems and issues you might have.
Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT, is another approach that has recently been used to help people give up their cigarette addiction. EFT is a tapping technique that involves light tapping on various meridian points on the body. Tapping these points, similar to stimulating acupuncture points, can help release emotional issues, which are often at the root of a person's need to continue smoking. When these emotional matters are resolved, often the desire to smoke simply melts away.
Some people find that they want to take some type of supplement that will give them help to stop smoking. The taking of an herbal supplement can in some instances help a person feel that they are replacing the smoking with something else that is beneficial to their body. Taking St. John's Wort, which is also used as a natural anti-depressant, has proven to be an effective natural way to quit.