Last Longer Pills
Is there really such a thing as a last longer pill? We're used to taking pills for all sorts of ailments so it's not the most outrageous question to ask if there is some sort of pill or tablet that can be used against this condition.
Actually, there is no such thing as a drug targeted specifically at premature ejaculation []. But like many other conditions, a drug that is normally used for something else can be found to work at treating another condition. For example, drugs used to treat high blood pressure and prostate cancer are also used against hair loss.
In the same way, there are some antidepressant drugs used for all manner of mental disorders such as OCD and depression that have also been prescribed "off-label" by doctors to patients with premature ejaculation.
All of these drugs are in the same class called SSRIs or "selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors" and are only different by a molecule here or there, enough so that each drug company can patent their invention. But they each also have slightly different effects meaning that some are better than others for the purposes of delaying ejaculation.
For example, paroxetine is generally regarded as the best SSRI for PE. It gives the longest IELT (intra-ejaculatory latency time). However, it is controversial and has been the subject of several class action lawsuits due to the side effects encountered when trying to come of this drug.
And this is the main problem with these "last longer pills". They are not short acting: you cannot just pop a pill half an hour before intercourse. You must take a daily dose of these drugs which means that you are under the influence of them 24 hours a day. If you are considering trying these drugs then this is something else that you need to consider.
Actually, there is no such thing as a drug targeted specifically at premature ejaculation []. But like many other conditions, a drug that is normally used for something else can be found to work at treating another condition. For example, drugs used to treat high blood pressure and prostate cancer are also used against hair loss.
In the same way, there are some antidepressant drugs used for all manner of mental disorders such as OCD and depression that have also been prescribed "off-label" by doctors to patients with premature ejaculation.
All of these drugs are in the same class called SSRIs or "selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors" and are only different by a molecule here or there, enough so that each drug company can patent their invention. But they each also have slightly different effects meaning that some are better than others for the purposes of delaying ejaculation.
For example, paroxetine is generally regarded as the best SSRI for PE. It gives the longest IELT (intra-ejaculatory latency time). However, it is controversial and has been the subject of several class action lawsuits due to the side effects encountered when trying to come of this drug.
And this is the main problem with these "last longer pills". They are not short acting: you cannot just pop a pill half an hour before intercourse. You must take a daily dose of these drugs which means that you are under the influence of them 24 hours a day. If you are considering trying these drugs then this is something else that you need to consider.