Kaya Reviews: The Role Of Genes In Photoaging
Battling the signs of aging that show on our skin is something each one of us is wants to do. Nobody wants to be reminded of their age. Nature's way of causing signs of aging through UV rays not only degrades our skin, but also causes genetic alterations. Read on to find out how.
Photoaging can get extremely difficult to deal with if the necessary precautions aren't taken. The harmful UV rays from the sun can be responsible for affecting certain portions of the DNA, altering the genes. Keep reading to understand what the process of photoaging is and how it can get worse if protection like sunscreens aren't taken into consideration.
What Is Photoaging?
Photoaging is also known as dermatoheliosis. It is a condition that accelerates the skin aging process. This is typically caused by extensive exposure to the harmful UVA or UVB rays of the sun. Photoaging causes pigmentation, molecular and genetic changes, degradation of collagen, immunosuppression, and photodamage of retinoic acids.
Genetic Degradation
UVA rays can cause indirect damage to the DNA by producing reactive oxygen species (ROS) which includes superoxide anion, peroxide and singlet oxygen, all of which are capable of damaging DNA. It also damages lipids and proteins in the body. This process of damaging the skin cells is caused due to harmful UVA and UVB rays. Natural genetic degradation, on the other hand, also causes significant aging of skin.
Role Of Genes In Photoaging.
Telomeres are situated at the tips of the chromosome ends,and keep them from destroying themselves when they multiply. This cell division is necessary for the growth of new skin and hence telomeres play a huge role in fresh skin cell growth, without which there would be skin cell death. The shorter the telomeres, the faster the aging process gets, with easy graying of hair, poor healing of scars on the skin due to inflammation, and poor depigmentation of skin.
To gain a more detailed overview of the effect of genes on the skin and the process of aging, make sure you visit a good skin clinic in your city. Clinics vary in quality from city to city, so do your research first, like if you are from Bangalore and you decide to go to a place like Kaya clinic, take a look at a few reviews of Kaya Skin Clinic Bangalore so you can be sure that you're going to a well-known, reputed establishment.
Battling the signs of aging that show on our skin is something each one of us is wants to do. Nobody wants to be reminded of their age. Nature's way of causing signs of aging through UV rays not only degrades our skin, but also causes genetic alterations. Read on to find out how.
Photoaging can get extremely difficult to deal with if the necessary precautions aren't taken. The harmful UV rays from the sun can be responsible for affecting certain portions of the DNA, altering the genes. Keep reading to understand what the process of photoaging is and how it can get worse if protection like sunscreens aren't taken into consideration.
Photoaging can get extremely difficult to deal with if the necessary precautions aren't taken. The harmful UV rays from the sun can be responsible for affecting certain portions of the DNA, altering the genes. Keep reading to understand what the process of photoaging is and how it can get worse if protection like sunscreens aren't taken into consideration.
What Is Photoaging?
Photoaging is also known as dermatoheliosis. It is a condition that accelerates the skin aging process. This is typically caused by extensive exposure to the harmful UVA or UVB rays of the sun. Photoaging causes pigmentation, molecular and genetic changes, degradation of collagen, immunosuppression, and photodamage of retinoic acids.
Genetic Degradation
UVA rays can cause indirect damage to the DNA by producing reactive oxygen species (ROS) which includes superoxide anion, peroxide and singlet oxygen, all of which are capable of damaging DNA. It also damages lipids and proteins in the body. This process of damaging the skin cells is caused due to harmful UVA and UVB rays. Natural genetic degradation, on the other hand, also causes significant aging of skin.
Role Of Genes In Photoaging.
Telomeres are situated at the tips of the chromosome ends,and keep them from destroying themselves when they multiply. This cell division is necessary for the growth of new skin and hence telomeres play a huge role in fresh skin cell growth, without which there would be skin cell death. The shorter the telomeres, the faster the aging process gets, with easy graying of hair, poor healing of scars on the skin due to inflammation, and poor depigmentation of skin.
To gain a more detailed overview of the effect of genes on the skin and the process of aging, make sure you visit a good skin clinic in your city. Clinics vary in quality from city to city, so do your research first, like if you are from Bangalore and you decide to go to a place like Kaya clinic, take a look at a few reviews of Kaya Skin Clinic Bangalore so you can be sure that you're going to a well-known, reputed establishment.
Battling the signs of aging that show on our skin is something each one of us is wants to do. Nobody wants to be reminded of their age. Nature's way of causing signs of aging through UV rays not only degrades our skin, but also causes genetic alterations. Read on to find out how.
Photoaging can get extremely difficult to deal with if the necessary precautions aren't taken. The harmful UV rays from the sun can be responsible for affecting certain portions of the DNA, altering the genes. Keep reading to understand what the process of photoaging is and how it can get worse if protection like sunscreens aren't taken into consideration.