Hairloss Treatment For Men That Actually Works, And You Can Get Now. - Don"t Delay, Check This Out.
It is part of the hair growth cycle. Remember that 10% of our hair is in a resting phase, which would usually fall every 2 or 3 months. People start to notice their hair thinning when the usual loss is beyond the expected limits. Excessive hair loss can be due to several reasons including: There are several reasons for hair loss including: Hair loss can occur due to several factors including: Reasons for hair loss are several including: What causes hair loss? Alopecia areata: Causes rapid hair loss and affects men and women. This is usually caused by an immunity disorder when the intrinsic white cells attack the hair follicles. Alopecia Totalis is another reason for hair loss where all the scalp hair has fallen. When the whole body loses hair, it is called Alopecia Universalis.
Genetic conditions - Male pattern baldness afflicts about 25% of men by age 30. Male hormone testosterone could also be another contributing factor. One of the functions of Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is produced by the conversion of testosterone, causes impairment or stoppage of hair growth and produces short and weak hair. Male pattern baldness is absent with men devoid of testosterone.
Skin diseases: this is a common reason for hair loss and it could affect the scalp too. Dandruff or seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, scalp fungus such as ringworm and tinea captis are some of the common skin diseases which cause hair loss.
Sudden illness or fever: hair can come off in large tufts after an illness or fever. This is a temporary condition.
Childbirth, menopause, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and aging are some of the other common causes of hair loss. Apart from these reasons, there are several others too.
Hair loss can often be treated successfully; not only can you stop hair from falling but you can re-grow hair as well. Here are some natural ways you could treat hair loss:
1. Vitamins A, B, C and E are hair promoters. Include them in the diet. What are the roles of these vitamins? They provide sebum, promote blood circulation to the scalp by enhancement of oxygen absorption and collagen.
2. Care for the scalp: It would help a lot if you regularly massage your scalp using herbal oils like olive oil, jojoba oil, amla oil. Some of the essential oils which are effective in conditions of alopecia areata include that of thyme, rosemary, lavender and cedar wood.
3. Scalp abuse: Chemical shampoos and blow drying are to be avoided. Hair and scalp get damaged by chemical treatments such as coloring and straightening. Daily hair wash with hot water depletes hair of natural oil and turn break-prone.
4. Using herbal care: Using powders of amla, shikakai, henna and ritha as shampoo and conditioner can be an effective treatment. If you are looking for a powerful anti-oxidant which can prevent graying and hair loss, you would get it in amla powder, which is the richest source of natural vitamin C. Shikakai, often called as the Fruit for hair can make an excellent shampoo with its natural low pH. Henna is a wonder natural conditioner after this.
5. Bring lifestyle changes: Reduce stress, an important factor in hair loss. Do this by doing exercises and meditation. Smoking is bad for the scalp: This is because the nicotine from cigarettes restricts blood flow to the scalp by constricting the relevant blood vessels. To avoid damage to the scalp avoid UV rays from sun exposure.
Genetic conditions - Male pattern baldness afflicts about 25% of men by age 30. Male hormone testosterone could also be another contributing factor. One of the functions of Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is produced by the conversion of testosterone, causes impairment or stoppage of hair growth and produces short and weak hair. Male pattern baldness is absent with men devoid of testosterone.
Skin diseases: this is a common reason for hair loss and it could affect the scalp too. Dandruff or seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, scalp fungus such as ringworm and tinea captis are some of the common skin diseases which cause hair loss.
Sudden illness or fever: hair can come off in large tufts after an illness or fever. This is a temporary condition.
Childbirth, menopause, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and aging are some of the other common causes of hair loss. Apart from these reasons, there are several others too.
Hair loss can often be treated successfully; not only can you stop hair from falling but you can re-grow hair as well. Here are some natural ways you could treat hair loss:
1. Vitamins A, B, C and E are hair promoters. Include them in the diet. What are the roles of these vitamins? They provide sebum, promote blood circulation to the scalp by enhancement of oxygen absorption and collagen.
2. Care for the scalp: It would help a lot if you regularly massage your scalp using herbal oils like olive oil, jojoba oil, amla oil. Some of the essential oils which are effective in conditions of alopecia areata include that of thyme, rosemary, lavender and cedar wood.
3. Scalp abuse: Chemical shampoos and blow drying are to be avoided. Hair and scalp get damaged by chemical treatments such as coloring and straightening. Daily hair wash with hot water depletes hair of natural oil and turn break-prone.
4. Using herbal care: Using powders of amla, shikakai, henna and ritha as shampoo and conditioner can be an effective treatment. If you are looking for a powerful anti-oxidant which can prevent graying and hair loss, you would get it in amla powder, which is the richest source of natural vitamin C. Shikakai, often called as the Fruit for hair can make an excellent shampoo with its natural low pH. Henna is a wonder natural conditioner after this.
5. Bring lifestyle changes: Reduce stress, an important factor in hair loss. Do this by doing exercises and meditation. Smoking is bad for the scalp: This is because the nicotine from cigarettes restricts blood flow to the scalp by constricting the relevant blood vessels. To avoid damage to the scalp avoid UV rays from sun exposure.