Is the Mommy Makeover Trend Worth It?
In 2012, according to the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, breast augmentation, liposuction, and the tummy tuck were the three most popular procedures.
These three procedures all make up the Mommy Makeover.
The mommy makeover has been an increasing trend in plastic surgery news, according to ASAPS statistics, women ages 35-50 received 40% of all the surgical procedures in 2012 and the majority of the mommy Makeover procedures in total: Breast augmentation 40%, tummy tucks 55.
8%, and Liposuction 47%.
This trend has gone viral in result of the recent news articles highlighting mommy makeovers and interviewing the moms and their families post-procedure along with the many celebrities jumping on the band wagon like reality TV star Kim Kardashian.
So why exactly are moms considering the "Mommy Makeover"? Mommy Makeover Trend While many mothers are choosing diet and exercise after child birth, some have found that no matter the time and energy spent at the gym will help eliminate the sagging excess skin and pockets of fat left over from weight gained during pregnancy.
Some women are perfectly okay with having the sagging skin as it is a reminder that they once had a miracle happen inside their body.
However, some women just want their old slim pre-pregnancy bodies back and the Mommy Makeover is certainly one successful way to do so.
According to Realself.
com, a community of members who share their procedure stories and real doctors who answer questions, the mommy makeover has a 98% "Worth-it Rating.
The "worth-it rating" meant that those who have had a mommy makeover on average say that the procedure was 98% worth-it to do.
Mother of two, Angela Aguirre, had the same idea.
Angela began working out and exercising regularly to achieve as much success with her body as she could, she managed to lose 30 pounds.
Angela worked extremely hard to lose those 30 pounds but when she looked in the mirror, all she saw was loose skin and her "stomach didn't look any different".
Angela's results were not exactly what she expected, she says "there was loose skin, and it kind of had a round, potbelly appearance to it.
I'd been working out really hard for a year and three months and thought, 'Surely by now it would be tighter'".
Except they weren't and she could not figure out what was going on.
Her next step was to visit her family doctor to figure out what was going on, he said after she her two C-sections, her stomach muscles became separated and that there was nothing she could do to fix that other than having a tummy tuck.
Risk and Complications On top of self-esteem and confidence, it seems that the trend in mommy makeovers are soaring because of problems like Angela has experienced with her two c-sections.
Aguirre believed it was a matter of personal preference and that she noticed her self-esteem has gotten better".
A big question that came to Aguirre was if the mommy makeover was worth the risks that come from a major surgery.
Not only was Angela receiving one major surgery, she was having two major surgeries while some women opt in for three, a tummy tuck, breast augmentation or breast lift and liposuction.
However, because the mommy makeover is an "all-in-one" package, these surgeries are all performed at one time, somewhat reducing the risks instead of having three separate surgeries.
Risks from the mommy makeover can encompass many risks and complications similar to any surgical procedure.
The procedure can take from four to eight hours to complete, depending on the type of procedures included.
Your surgeon will conduct a detailed review of your medical history and if a patient has certain risk factors, the surgeon will proceed accordingly.
Risks such as bleeding, infection, incision scarring, abnormalities, and even depressions from unrealistic expectations are just a few examples.
Unrealistic expectations, however, can be avoided if the surgeon ensures the patient is stable mentally and physically.
For Angela Aguirre these risks were worth it stating "the way I look at it, it was six weeks out of our lives.
Now I can be happy for the rest of my life.
It's a good trade-off.
" Angela was very lucky to be able to find a plastic surgeon that was perfect for her.
Because of such risks of complications from having major surgery, it was very important for Aguirre to choose a board certified surgeon with years of training, education, and experience.
The list of risks and complications from a mommy makeover are minor when it comes to allowing any surgeon or "surgeon" to perform on your body.
These risks can easily jump from bleeding and infections to possible death.
This is why the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery always advises consumers to do their research and consult with a board certified plastic surgeon.
These three procedures all make up the Mommy Makeover.
The mommy makeover has been an increasing trend in plastic surgery news, according to ASAPS statistics, women ages 35-50 received 40% of all the surgical procedures in 2012 and the majority of the mommy Makeover procedures in total: Breast augmentation 40%, tummy tucks 55.
8%, and Liposuction 47%.
This trend has gone viral in result of the recent news articles highlighting mommy makeovers and interviewing the moms and their families post-procedure along with the many celebrities jumping on the band wagon like reality TV star Kim Kardashian.
So why exactly are moms considering the "Mommy Makeover"? Mommy Makeover Trend While many mothers are choosing diet and exercise after child birth, some have found that no matter the time and energy spent at the gym will help eliminate the sagging excess skin and pockets of fat left over from weight gained during pregnancy.
Some women are perfectly okay with having the sagging skin as it is a reminder that they once had a miracle happen inside their body.
However, some women just want their old slim pre-pregnancy bodies back and the Mommy Makeover is certainly one successful way to do so.
According to Realself.
com, a community of members who share their procedure stories and real doctors who answer questions, the mommy makeover has a 98% "Worth-it Rating.
The "worth-it rating" meant that those who have had a mommy makeover on average say that the procedure was 98% worth-it to do.
Mother of two, Angela Aguirre, had the same idea.
Angela began working out and exercising regularly to achieve as much success with her body as she could, she managed to lose 30 pounds.
Angela worked extremely hard to lose those 30 pounds but when she looked in the mirror, all she saw was loose skin and her "stomach didn't look any different".
Angela's results were not exactly what she expected, she says "there was loose skin, and it kind of had a round, potbelly appearance to it.
I'd been working out really hard for a year and three months and thought, 'Surely by now it would be tighter'".
Except they weren't and she could not figure out what was going on.
Her next step was to visit her family doctor to figure out what was going on, he said after she her two C-sections, her stomach muscles became separated and that there was nothing she could do to fix that other than having a tummy tuck.
Risk and Complications On top of self-esteem and confidence, it seems that the trend in mommy makeovers are soaring because of problems like Angela has experienced with her two c-sections.
Aguirre believed it was a matter of personal preference and that she noticed her self-esteem has gotten better".
A big question that came to Aguirre was if the mommy makeover was worth the risks that come from a major surgery.
Not only was Angela receiving one major surgery, she was having two major surgeries while some women opt in for three, a tummy tuck, breast augmentation or breast lift and liposuction.
However, because the mommy makeover is an "all-in-one" package, these surgeries are all performed at one time, somewhat reducing the risks instead of having three separate surgeries.
Risks from the mommy makeover can encompass many risks and complications similar to any surgical procedure.
The procedure can take from four to eight hours to complete, depending on the type of procedures included.
Your surgeon will conduct a detailed review of your medical history and if a patient has certain risk factors, the surgeon will proceed accordingly.
Risks such as bleeding, infection, incision scarring, abnormalities, and even depressions from unrealistic expectations are just a few examples.
Unrealistic expectations, however, can be avoided if the surgeon ensures the patient is stable mentally and physically.
For Angela Aguirre these risks were worth it stating "the way I look at it, it was six weeks out of our lives.
Now I can be happy for the rest of my life.
It's a good trade-off.
" Angela was very lucky to be able to find a plastic surgeon that was perfect for her.
Because of such risks of complications from having major surgery, it was very important for Aguirre to choose a board certified surgeon with years of training, education, and experience.
The list of risks and complications from a mommy makeover are minor when it comes to allowing any surgeon or "surgeon" to perform on your body.
These risks can easily jump from bleeding and infections to possible death.
This is why the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery always advises consumers to do their research and consult with a board certified plastic surgeon.