Holistic Medicine News: Antibiotics Linked to Childhood Asthma
Holistic Health Studies and Medical Research
Asthma is a major concern for many children in modern America and in my hometown of Asheville, North Carolina. That's why the results of a study completed in 2006, and others like it, caught my attention. Researchers in Canada uncovered a possible link between the risk of developing childhood asthma and the use of antibiotics in children under the age of 1.
Discussed in a March 14, 2006 report by the BBC, the study was published in the June issue of the journal Chest. "A Canadian study of 12,082 children suggests those treated with antibiotics under the age of one are twice as likely to develop asthma in childhood," stated the BBC. "Earlier studies suggested the drugs may affect the way the immune system works," the report continued, "Experts believe they kill off beneficial bacteria in the intestine and that this may lead to changes in the way the body deals with disease."
This is not the first study to suggest this link, but it is the largest and is consistent with what the earlier studies have shown. So, what is the connection? At first glance, it may seem that the antibiotics given for an ear infection or a chest cold would have nothing to do with the eventual development of asthma. But as a naturopathic doctor, looking at the whole person, it makes sense.
Asthma and Antibiotics: A Naturopathic Doctor's Holistic Health Perspective
Antibiotics kill not only the bacteria causing an illness but also the good bacteria naturally living in our bodies, specifically our intestines. These bacteria are critical for optimal immune function. Without a strong immune system, children are much more susceptible to developing asthma.
The popular and well-researched "hygiene hypothesis" suggests American's love of antibacterial wipes and soap, combined with overuse of antibiotics, has left our immune system unchallenged and bored. The less exposure to germs in the early years, the weaker the immune system is later in life and the less practice the body has had in determining what is good and what is bad. The result? Everything is attacked, the good and the bad, leading to allergies and asthma.
Our immune systems need a regular workout, just as our muscles need to be stressed in order to grow bigger and stronger.
So what can you do? Holistic Health Care Solutions!
First, many antibiotics given during the first years of life are unnecessary, since a majority of common childhood ailments are viral, not bacterial, and will not be helped with antibiotics. There are many natural alternatives to giving young children antibiotics. Check in with natural and holistic health care professionals like local naturopathic doctors, homeopaths, herbalists or acupuncturists for help.
Second, let your child play in the dirt sometimes! Getting a little dirty is part of being a kid. It will boost their immune system, prevent future allergies and will provide exercise and stimulation away from the TV and computer. It's a great way to exercise both the muscles and immune system.
Asthma is a major concern for many children in modern America and in my hometown of Asheville, North Carolina. That's why the results of a study completed in 2006, and others like it, caught my attention. Researchers in Canada uncovered a possible link between the risk of developing childhood asthma and the use of antibiotics in children under the age of 1.
Discussed in a March 14, 2006 report by the BBC, the study was published in the June issue of the journal Chest. "A Canadian study of 12,082 children suggests those treated with antibiotics under the age of one are twice as likely to develop asthma in childhood," stated the BBC. "Earlier studies suggested the drugs may affect the way the immune system works," the report continued, "Experts believe they kill off beneficial bacteria in the intestine and that this may lead to changes in the way the body deals with disease."
This is not the first study to suggest this link, but it is the largest and is consistent with what the earlier studies have shown. So, what is the connection? At first glance, it may seem that the antibiotics given for an ear infection or a chest cold would have nothing to do with the eventual development of asthma. But as a naturopathic doctor, looking at the whole person, it makes sense.
Asthma and Antibiotics: A Naturopathic Doctor's Holistic Health Perspective
Antibiotics kill not only the bacteria causing an illness but also the good bacteria naturally living in our bodies, specifically our intestines. These bacteria are critical for optimal immune function. Without a strong immune system, children are much more susceptible to developing asthma.
The popular and well-researched "hygiene hypothesis" suggests American's love of antibacterial wipes and soap, combined with overuse of antibiotics, has left our immune system unchallenged and bored. The less exposure to germs in the early years, the weaker the immune system is later in life and the less practice the body has had in determining what is good and what is bad. The result? Everything is attacked, the good and the bad, leading to allergies and asthma.
Our immune systems need a regular workout, just as our muscles need to be stressed in order to grow bigger and stronger.
So what can you do? Holistic Health Care Solutions!
First, many antibiotics given during the first years of life are unnecessary, since a majority of common childhood ailments are viral, not bacterial, and will not be helped with antibiotics. There are many natural alternatives to giving young children antibiotics. Check in with natural and holistic health care professionals like local naturopathic doctors, homeopaths, herbalists or acupuncturists for help.
Second, let your child play in the dirt sometimes! Getting a little dirty is part of being a kid. It will boost their immune system, prevent future allergies and will provide exercise and stimulation away from the TV and computer. It's a great way to exercise both the muscles and immune system.