How to Heal Lip Cracks Naturally
If you would like to know how to heal lip cracks, firstly, it is important to identify just what the cause is.
Although many people put sores and splitting of the lips down to changes in the weather, it is almost always a condition known as Angular Cheilitis.
Angular Cheilitis is a very common condition caused by a bacterial growth on the skin at the edges of the lips.
It can be difficult to treat and many sufferers have the condition repeatedly over a number of years.
Often, the severity increases as time goes on as the infection develops from being bacterial in nature to fungal, which can seem almost impossible to eradicate.
Although not life-threatening, the discomfort is persistent and everyday things we all take for granted such as eating, speaking and drinking become excruciatingly painful.
There can be various causes, and knowing how to heal lip cracks comes from a knowledge of what could be responsible.
Angular Cheilitis is often caused by saliva dribbling out of the mouth.
This can be almost unnoticeable and can be due to badly fitting dentures, pen biting or finger sucking.
If any of these are likely causes, then take appropriate steps-get dentures corrected and try painting the ends of pens or fingernails with bitter tasting anti-nail biting solution.
Once you stop the source of the moisture, this will help the area begin to heal.
For some people, an iron and vitamin deficiency could be the cause and taking the appropriate supplements will help in time.
For those looking to learn how to heal lip cracks, the secret is to completely starve the bacteria or fungal infection of oxygen.
Neither can survive without oxygen and this is therefore a surefire way to eliminate the condition quickly.
Although many people put sores and splitting of the lips down to changes in the weather, it is almost always a condition known as Angular Cheilitis.
Angular Cheilitis is a very common condition caused by a bacterial growth on the skin at the edges of the lips.
It can be difficult to treat and many sufferers have the condition repeatedly over a number of years.
Often, the severity increases as time goes on as the infection develops from being bacterial in nature to fungal, which can seem almost impossible to eradicate.
Although not life-threatening, the discomfort is persistent and everyday things we all take for granted such as eating, speaking and drinking become excruciatingly painful.
There can be various causes, and knowing how to heal lip cracks comes from a knowledge of what could be responsible.
Angular Cheilitis is often caused by saliva dribbling out of the mouth.
This can be almost unnoticeable and can be due to badly fitting dentures, pen biting or finger sucking.
If any of these are likely causes, then take appropriate steps-get dentures corrected and try painting the ends of pens or fingernails with bitter tasting anti-nail biting solution.
Once you stop the source of the moisture, this will help the area begin to heal.
For some people, an iron and vitamin deficiency could be the cause and taking the appropriate supplements will help in time.
For those looking to learn how to heal lip cracks, the secret is to completely starve the bacteria or fungal infection of oxygen.
Neither can survive without oxygen and this is therefore a surefire way to eliminate the condition quickly.