Why Does The Skin Wrinkle As You Age - Because of Low Levels Of Hyaluronic Acid
Why does the skin wrinkle as you age? This is a question that practically everyone has asked at one time or another. Many answers have been proposed. Here's a look at dermatologist's most recent answers.
Free Radicals
A recent report from the American Dermatological Association stated that measured levels of free radical molecules are higher in older skin, while levels of naturally occurring antioxidants are lower.
Apparently, when we are young, the antioxidants in our skin's cells neutralize free radicals before they can do any damage. As we get older, there might not be enough antioxidants to keep free radical damage from happening.
Free radicals are known to play a role in skin-damage that occurs as a result of overexposure to the sun or cigarette smoking. The symptoms of this kind of damage include increased wrinkling and lost firmness.
If they are not neutralized, free radicals can damage the cells responsible for producing new cells, as well as the fibers responsible for the skin's firmness.
Decreased Production of Elastic Fibers
Here's another answer to why does the skin wrinkle as you age. The body produces fewer new elastic fibers. This causes decreased firmness and sagging.
If you think about how facelifts work, you get an idea of the importance of elastic fibers. The lifts stretch the skin's layers, which smoothes out wrinkles.
The injectable fillers plump up the skin's fatty tissue layer, which again stretches out wrinkles. If it were possible to stimulate the growth of new fibers, it could be possible to stretch them out without surgery or injections.
Low Levels of Hyaluronic Acid
This is another part of the complete answer to why does the skin wrinkle as you age. Instead of a single cause, there are actually multiple causes including genetics and habitual facial expressions. The three listed here are the ones that can be easily addressed with topically applied creams.
Hyaluronic acid is a gooey compound responsible for the skin's smoothness. It acts like glue to hold the cells in the skin's outer layers together.
Low levels are caused by age and the activity of an enzyme called hyaluronidaise. If it were possible to inhibit the enzymatic activity, it would allow the skin's hyaluronic acid content to reach that of a much younger person.
The Solution
Now you know the answer to; why does the skin wrinkle as you age. So, you might be looking for a solution.
Antioxidant-rich creams are the solution to free radical damage. Coenzyme Q10 is one of the most effective antioxidants for reversing wrinkles and sun damage.
Compounds like Functional Keratin have been shown to stimulate the production of new elastic fibers and increase the skin's firmness by 40% or more after only a month or so of use.
Extracts from a kind of kelp or seaweed have been shown to inhibit the activity of hyaluronidaise. Wakame kelp seems to be the most effective.
Why does the skin wrinkle as you age? Maybe, it doesn't have to. A good anti-aging cream could change the way that we look as time goes by.
Free Radicals
A recent report from the American Dermatological Association stated that measured levels of free radical molecules are higher in older skin, while levels of naturally occurring antioxidants are lower.
Apparently, when we are young, the antioxidants in our skin's cells neutralize free radicals before they can do any damage. As we get older, there might not be enough antioxidants to keep free radical damage from happening.
Free radicals are known to play a role in skin-damage that occurs as a result of overexposure to the sun or cigarette smoking. The symptoms of this kind of damage include increased wrinkling and lost firmness.
If they are not neutralized, free radicals can damage the cells responsible for producing new cells, as well as the fibers responsible for the skin's firmness.
Decreased Production of Elastic Fibers
Here's another answer to why does the skin wrinkle as you age. The body produces fewer new elastic fibers. This causes decreased firmness and sagging.
If you think about how facelifts work, you get an idea of the importance of elastic fibers. The lifts stretch the skin's layers, which smoothes out wrinkles.
The injectable fillers plump up the skin's fatty tissue layer, which again stretches out wrinkles. If it were possible to stimulate the growth of new fibers, it could be possible to stretch them out without surgery or injections.
Low Levels of Hyaluronic Acid
This is another part of the complete answer to why does the skin wrinkle as you age. Instead of a single cause, there are actually multiple causes including genetics and habitual facial expressions. The three listed here are the ones that can be easily addressed with topically applied creams.
Hyaluronic acid is a gooey compound responsible for the skin's smoothness. It acts like glue to hold the cells in the skin's outer layers together.
Low levels are caused by age and the activity of an enzyme called hyaluronidaise. If it were possible to inhibit the enzymatic activity, it would allow the skin's hyaluronic acid content to reach that of a much younger person.
The Solution
Now you know the answer to; why does the skin wrinkle as you age. So, you might be looking for a solution.
Antioxidant-rich creams are the solution to free radical damage. Coenzyme Q10 is one of the most effective antioxidants for reversing wrinkles and sun damage.
Compounds like Functional Keratin have been shown to stimulate the production of new elastic fibers and increase the skin's firmness by 40% or more after only a month or so of use.
Extracts from a kind of kelp or seaweed have been shown to inhibit the activity of hyaluronidaise. Wakame kelp seems to be the most effective.
Why does the skin wrinkle as you age? Maybe, it doesn't have to. A good anti-aging cream could change the way that we look as time goes by.