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Getting Better With Age? You Bet

Is it possible to Get Better with Age? You bet! As baby boomers climb the success and numerical ladders they are becoming even more concerned than ever about how they look and feel.
Med-Spas are booming with "Botoxing Boomers".
It's even becoming attractive for the under 30 crowd.
Not that I agree with this but like it or not its here to stay.
Even men are getting in on the action - wanting to look good long term.
Getting Better with Age doesn't mean disregarding your age - not at all - it's all about embracing you and your age.
How is the Anti-aging Industry addressing the need and demand? Here are 5 Secrets Helping YOU Get Better with Age: Secret #1 - Eat Right!: OK, OK - I know you hear me say this over and over again.
But naturally it's my thing - my profession to be exact.
If you want to age well you need to put anti-aging materials in your body.
Feed your body junk and your outside (& inside) won't be able to fool mother nature for very long.
Gravity alone will be against you but if you work with it - you may defy the ravages of time.
Forget about making a deal like Dorian Gray did.
We all know what eventually happened to him - don't we? He made a pact with a demon and ended up staying young while everyone else didn't - finally his blessing (& curse) came to an end and he became an old, ravaged man in seconds.
Luckily - time, reality and good choices are on your side.
Make smart food and healthy lifestyle choices every day.
If you do so 80% of the time you should be able to beat the clock.
Secret #2 - Sleep More Here's another piece of medicine that will hold back the hands of father (or mother) time.
Without sleep you are bound to stimulate aging stress hormones.
Not only stress hormones but also brain chemicals get out of whack as well.
Without sleep you also tend to make poor food choices and don't have the stamina for daily exercise.
You actually, more often than not, end up making poor choices in every part of your life.
You start craving stimulants in the form of sugar, caffeine to rev you up and alcohol to calm you down enough to make you drowsy.
It might do the job to relax you initially but will end up disturbing your sleep more than you think.
Best you learn strategies to help naturally calm you down at night.
For one turn off the computer a couple hours before sleep.
Take the TV out of your bedroom and avoid eating late at night.
Honor your slumber needs.
Secret #3 Worry Less: Not an easy feat - our culture requires it of us.
We are not normal if we don't worry and fret about something - right? As easy as it is to tell you not to worry you probably will.
I suggest youreduce your addiction to this behavior, however.
The best anti-dote to worry is gratefulness.
How can you possibly feel full of worry if you are feeling grateful for all the wonderful people and things in your life? Impossible, really.
Go ahead and try it.
Imagine 5 things you are feeling most blessed about in your life and in the next moment think of something you are worried about.
How did that go? Well your worry scale went down a notch or two didn't it? This requires practice.
I suggest you get in the habit of focusing on the things you're grateful in your life - list 10, 30 or 50 or more things.
Get in the habit.
This works for worry's favorite cousinanxiety, too.
As you are mastering this technique you'll find your tendency for stress eating should start diminishing.
You will feel better and look younger - guaranteed! Secret #4 Take care of Your Skin: Even though eating good food, sleeping well, exercising drinking enough water all contribute to slowing down visible signs of aging.
There's nothing better than your skin being a good thermometer of healthy aging.
You must do all the inside work in order to have something to work with, of course.
But also taking good care of your skin on the outside is essential.
Cleansing, toning, moisturizing and wearing a good sun screen (at least 30%) is going to help you get better with age.
Invest in good high quality products and speak with skin care specialists about your particular unique needs.
Secret #5 Supplement Your Life: I wish I could tell you that you will get all the nutrients you need from your diet but you can't.
Stressful lifestyles depletes key nutrients out of your body rapidly leaving your body insufficient.
The food supply is not what it used to be with foods being processed more, not allowed to ripen naturally, shipped long distances from its source, and nutrient depleted soils never being allowed to lay fallow to re-fortify themselves.
Supplements are necessary to maintain good health.
Anti-aging supplements include good anti-oxidant formulas, Omega 3 Fish Oil, CoQ10 and so many more.
Taking the right supplements will help you get better with age and prevent health challenges down the road.
Isn't it better to have nutritional supplement therapy rather than the possible side effects of prescription medications? Get professional guidance when you're unsure of what to take.
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