How To Stop Hot Flashes - Is This The Worst Of The Pre Menopause Symptoms,Or Is There More I Should
There are 34 menopause symptoms I can name off the top of my head, But if for the sake of this article We will focus on little tips you can apply to stop hot flashes causing an interruption to your day. I shall cover the other top 8 symptoms you will need to know about, and have a back up plan to be able to control the side effects. Controlling, and dealing with your symptoms WILL make the transition period a LOT easier.
How Do I Stop Hot Flashes, What Exactly Are They?
Firstly a hot flash is a sudden, intense, hot sensation that generally will hit your face and upper body. Sometime you may get an unannounced rather rapid spurt of heart as an added bonus, and this usually is a warning signal that a hot flash is on the way. Once an episode occurs you could be left with unpleasant red cheeks, and heavy sweating. This will varies from person to person, regardless of the intensity none of this is pleasant and it is also very embarrassing.
How Do Stop Hot Flashes - Is This The Worst Of The Pre Menopause Symptoms,Or Is There More I Should Know About?
What causes hot flashes?
Pre menopause symptoms, or post menopause symptoms are caused from hormone changes which then create hot flashes, life style and medication can also play a small part but mostly a decrease in estrogen can be the major contributor.
A drop in estrogen levels can confuse the hypothalamus better known as our" thermostat" which totally throws our brain out of whack and it starts to read VERY hot, even when you are not. WRONG messages get sent to the nerves system and this then create what's know as a hot flash.
How Do Stop Hot Flashes - Is This The Worst Of The Pre Menopause Symptoms,Or Is There More I Should Know About?
Tips to stop hot flashes ruining your day simply by controlling the severity of them.
OK it is you will get hot flashes so lets show you a of things to do to make them a walk in the park.
1/ Layer dress so you can regulate your temperature.
2/ Make the use of air conditioning in your car,office and home, regulate this to suit your temperature.
3/ Have plenty of cold drinking water on hand.
4/ Reduce stress by identifying what ticks you off and avoid being around that person/thing.
5/ foods out of your diet, spicy and caffeine induced.
These are just a few ideas that you can take with you right NOW and start to incorporate these things into your daily life.
Below is a list of 8 out of at least 34 menopause symptoms that eventually WILL have to be addressed. Staying well in formed and working out a plan to tackle each, and every symptom as they appear will be your only defense for surviving menopause and coming out the other side normal.
8 others from the 34 menopause symptoms list, all with a brief description.
Night Sweats - Pre menopause symptoms
Are usually associated with hot flashes, you could suddenly wake up feeling very cold and in fact you have been sweating that much you are lying in a pool of sweat. Welcome to pre menopause.
How Do Stop Hot Flashes - Is This The Worst Of The Pre Menopause Symptoms,Or Is There More I Should Know About?
Mood Swings - Pre menopause symptoms
Just when you thought that mood swings where only connected to PMS, they are also a pre menopause symptom, anger and depression are major ones as well. 1 minute you could be happy then for no apparent reason you feel weepy and cranky.
You can bounce around from one end of the scale to the other. This effects not only you, BUT your loved ones as well. It is WELL advised to be aware and have a good plan to control these emotions.
Fatigue - Pre menopause symptoms
Fatigue is closely associated with pre menopause it has been described as almost feeling exhausted and simply unable to complete the simplest daily tasks. A feeling of not being well rested.
How Do Stop Hot Flashes - Is This The Worst Of The Pre Menopause Symptoms,Or Is There More I Should Know About?
Anxiety - Pre menopause symptoms
Anxiety can make you feel up tight and jumpy, it is a hard enough to deal with that alone, BUT being added to the list of other pre menopause symptoms this is sometimes the last straw which can push a woman over the edge. Prolong exposure to anxiety WILL end as panic attacks, and other panic disorders.
How Do Stop Hot Flashes - Is This The Worst Of The Pre Menopause Symptoms,Or Is There More I Should Know About?
Incontinence - Pre menopause symptoms
This can be a very embarrassing pre menopause symptoms with a lot of psychological side effects, it could be as simple as a dribble here and there whilst laughing, or sneezing but can also be of great concern if it progresses to permanent use of incontinent pads. There is a ways around this issue by learning the signs, and the exercises to keep every thing where it should be.
Breast Tenderness - Pre menopause symptoms
WOW you thought this was just something you had to deal with during menstruation, but this unfortunately will stay with us till the end. Breast tenderness puts a lot of strain on intimate relationships so knowing when, and the extent of the sore breast will be of a benefit to you, and your partner.
How Do Stop Hot Flashes - Is This The Worst Of The Pre Menopause Symptoms,Or Is There More I Should Know About?
Headaches - Pre menopause symptoms
Hormonal fluctuations can cause serious head ache, this varies from person to person, if you suffer from these during menstruation you will more than likely carry through pre menopause as well. Sometimes they will increase or decrease.
Dry Vagina - Pre menopause symptoms
As hormone levels change the amount of estrogen in the body decreases, the vagina will dry out in most causes and become uncomfortable during intercourse.
How Do Stop Hot Flashes - Is This The Worst Of The Pre Menopause Symptoms,Or Is There More I Should Know About?
Weight Gain - Pre menopause symptoms
This is the most devastating of all the pre menopause symptoms, this is something that actually alters the body's shape, it is visual which creates depression in some cases. Controlling the weight gain is quite easy once you understand the hormone changes the right combination of food that is carefully mapped out for a woman in pre menopause, or menopause stages.
Well ladies isn't it exceptional fun being female, men seem to get the best deal of growing old gracefully. BUT with in saying that pre menopause/menopause,and post menopause should a journey with ease, and dignity and that is totally possible if you get the right advise and start planing this journey NOW
So if you want to Stop Hot Flashes effecting your day, and know whats in store for you with the other 34 menopause symptoms, take the plunge NOW and be ready for pre menopause symptoms. The last cycle of a women's life is meant to be the best years of your life, so make the choice for it to be that way. It is your choice to make.
How Do I Stop Hot Flashes, What Exactly Are They?
Firstly a hot flash is a sudden, intense, hot sensation that generally will hit your face and upper body. Sometime you may get an unannounced rather rapid spurt of heart as an added bonus, and this usually is a warning signal that a hot flash is on the way. Once an episode occurs you could be left with unpleasant red cheeks, and heavy sweating. This will varies from person to person, regardless of the intensity none of this is pleasant and it is also very embarrassing.
How Do Stop Hot Flashes - Is This The Worst Of The Pre Menopause Symptoms,Or Is There More I Should Know About?
What causes hot flashes?
Pre menopause symptoms, or post menopause symptoms are caused from hormone changes which then create hot flashes, life style and medication can also play a small part but mostly a decrease in estrogen can be the major contributor.
A drop in estrogen levels can confuse the hypothalamus better known as our" thermostat" which totally throws our brain out of whack and it starts to read VERY hot, even when you are not. WRONG messages get sent to the nerves system and this then create what's know as a hot flash.
How Do Stop Hot Flashes - Is This The Worst Of The Pre Menopause Symptoms,Or Is There More I Should Know About?
Tips to stop hot flashes ruining your day simply by controlling the severity of them.
OK it is you will get hot flashes so lets show you a of things to do to make them a walk in the park.
1/ Layer dress so you can regulate your temperature.
2/ Make the use of air conditioning in your car,office and home, regulate this to suit your temperature.
3/ Have plenty of cold drinking water on hand.
4/ Reduce stress by identifying what ticks you off and avoid being around that person/thing.
5/ foods out of your diet, spicy and caffeine induced.
These are just a few ideas that you can take with you right NOW and start to incorporate these things into your daily life.
Below is a list of 8 out of at least 34 menopause symptoms that eventually WILL have to be addressed. Staying well in formed and working out a plan to tackle each, and every symptom as they appear will be your only defense for surviving menopause and coming out the other side normal.
8 others from the 34 menopause symptoms list, all with a brief description.
Night Sweats - Pre menopause symptoms
Are usually associated with hot flashes, you could suddenly wake up feeling very cold and in fact you have been sweating that much you are lying in a pool of sweat. Welcome to pre menopause.
How Do Stop Hot Flashes - Is This The Worst Of The Pre Menopause Symptoms,Or Is There More I Should Know About?
Mood Swings - Pre menopause symptoms
Just when you thought that mood swings where only connected to PMS, they are also a pre menopause symptom, anger and depression are major ones as well. 1 minute you could be happy then for no apparent reason you feel weepy and cranky.
You can bounce around from one end of the scale to the other. This effects not only you, BUT your loved ones as well. It is WELL advised to be aware and have a good plan to control these emotions.
Fatigue - Pre menopause symptoms
Fatigue is closely associated with pre menopause it has been described as almost feeling exhausted and simply unable to complete the simplest daily tasks. A feeling of not being well rested.
How Do Stop Hot Flashes - Is This The Worst Of The Pre Menopause Symptoms,Or Is There More I Should Know About?
Anxiety - Pre menopause symptoms
Anxiety can make you feel up tight and jumpy, it is a hard enough to deal with that alone, BUT being added to the list of other pre menopause symptoms this is sometimes the last straw which can push a woman over the edge. Prolong exposure to anxiety WILL end as panic attacks, and other panic disorders.
How Do Stop Hot Flashes - Is This The Worst Of The Pre Menopause Symptoms,Or Is There More I Should Know About?
Incontinence - Pre menopause symptoms
This can be a very embarrassing pre menopause symptoms with a lot of psychological side effects, it could be as simple as a dribble here and there whilst laughing, or sneezing but can also be of great concern if it progresses to permanent use of incontinent pads. There is a ways around this issue by learning the signs, and the exercises to keep every thing where it should be.
Breast Tenderness - Pre menopause symptoms
WOW you thought this was just something you had to deal with during menstruation, but this unfortunately will stay with us till the end. Breast tenderness puts a lot of strain on intimate relationships so knowing when, and the extent of the sore breast will be of a benefit to you, and your partner.
How Do Stop Hot Flashes - Is This The Worst Of The Pre Menopause Symptoms,Or Is There More I Should Know About?
Headaches - Pre menopause symptoms
Hormonal fluctuations can cause serious head ache, this varies from person to person, if you suffer from these during menstruation you will more than likely carry through pre menopause as well. Sometimes they will increase or decrease.
Dry Vagina - Pre menopause symptoms
As hormone levels change the amount of estrogen in the body decreases, the vagina will dry out in most causes and become uncomfortable during intercourse.
How Do Stop Hot Flashes - Is This The Worst Of The Pre Menopause Symptoms,Or Is There More I Should Know About?
Weight Gain - Pre menopause symptoms
This is the most devastating of all the pre menopause symptoms, this is something that actually alters the body's shape, it is visual which creates depression in some cases. Controlling the weight gain is quite easy once you understand the hormone changes the right combination of food that is carefully mapped out for a woman in pre menopause, or menopause stages.
Well ladies isn't it exceptional fun being female, men seem to get the best deal of growing old gracefully. BUT with in saying that pre menopause/menopause,and post menopause should a journey with ease, and dignity and that is totally possible if you get the right advise and start planing this journey NOW
So if you want to Stop Hot Flashes effecting your day, and know whats in store for you with the other 34 menopause symptoms, take the plunge NOW and be ready for pre menopause symptoms. The last cycle of a women's life is meant to be the best years of your life, so make the choice for it to be that way. It is your choice to make.