The 7 Most Common Mistakes in the Quest for Excellence
Moral excellence and high idealism are expected qualities in any entity that would have the privilege to lead in any field of human endeavor. Due to the many advantages and benefits that leadership positions confer, many sincere persons embark on a quest for excellence in a bid to improve their lot in life. Here are seven mistaken notions that may bedevil such a quest - and how to correct them.
#1 - Mistaking Excellence for Perfection
While perfection is reserved for the gods, mere mortals still may strive for excellence. The difference between the two is that while what is perfect cannot be improved upon, what is excellent may yet be surpassed. For instance, 80% is excellent but 85% is even more excellent.
When someone mistakes excellence for perfection then s/he easily falls prey to such failure syndromes as "analysis paralysis", "aim, aim, aim but no fire" and so on.
This misconception can be remedied by a simple wholehearted resolve to do the very best that you can and then systematically fine-tune your performance on each of the known factors that contribute to your desired excellent result.
#2 - Thinking that excellence is too difficult to attain
I would clear up this misconception by asking a question: "Is it easier or more difficult to do something the right way or to do it the wrong way?" Of course, finding the right way to do something makes it a cinch. It becomes easier.
The difficulty in the attainment of excellence is not in the effort it takes compared to mediocrity but in clearly grasping the idea or finding the right attitude or the right approach to the task in question. Once you "get the hang of it", once you have the spirit, all else follows. Once you get caught in an upward spiral of excellence there's no telling where you might go.
Henry Ford, the great American industrialist, nicely summed up this fallacy when he said, "If you think you can, or if you think you can't, either way, you're right."
#3 - Fear
The fear of failure and its attendant embarrassment or humiliation holds many back from striving for excellence. Others are as equally held back by the fear of success and the attendant responsibility to meet higher standards and higher expectations.
Well, the cure for the fear of failure is to see failure as part of the learning process. Take to heart the wise words of the Chinese sage Lao Tzu "Failure is the foundation of success, and the means by which it is achieved... " The only real failure is the failure to try or the failure to try again after having failed.
You can overcome the fear of success by exercising faith in your vast untapped potential. Realize that your present attainment reflects but a tiny fraction of your possibilities. For you, "the best is yet to come."
#4 - Striving for excellence sometimes, in some things
Excellence is not a gown that you can put on or take off whenever you like. It is either you commit to excellence at all times, in all things or you fail to attain it at all.
This is because as the Greek philosopher Aristotle wisely observed, "... We are
what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit."
This mistaken notion can be corrected by the realization that the quest for excellence is an "all or nothing" affair. You are either a complete disciple of excellence or a full-time devotee of mediocrity. There is no middle course here.
#5 - Not letting go
You cannot successfully be a creator and a critic at the same time. Taking yourself too seriously only leads to inhibition and poor performance.
The way to overcome this mistake is by cultivating a sense of humor, a child-like playfulness, which lets you laugh at yourself. This unlocks your creativity and lets you discover hidden talents and aspects of your personality you never dreamed you possessed.
You let yourself go in order to give an inspired performance. Ask any virtuoso instrumentalist - they do their best when they "play" their instrument, not when they "work" it (that can only result in a mediocre performance).
#6 - Procrastination
Waiting for the perfect time to commence your quest for excellence is a deadly self-imposed limitation that can cost you years of your life - because no time ever seems to be just right.
To overcome this misconception you must realize that where you start does not matter as much as where you end up. So begin anyhow, in whatever situation you find yourself.
Your outer condition is often a reflection of your inner attainment. As you progress and grow in excellence you'll naturally attract many advantages and find yourself in improved circumstances; whereas, if you wait for those improved circumstances to be yours before you begin your quest for excellence - you'll probably wait forever.
It's like the ancient riddle of the chicken and the egg - which came first?
#7 - False modesty
Some folks have a mistaken notion that it is presumptuous to openly commit to the quest for excellence. This may be due to the fear of humiliation if they don't succeed.
While it is prudent to pursue excellence in a systematic way, yet it is not wise to be content to fly low rather than soar. Such false modesty can never beget genius.
To such folks who are held back by a false sense of modesty I'll pass on the famous words of Marianne Williamson:
"... Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
#1 - Mistaking Excellence for Perfection
While perfection is reserved for the gods, mere mortals still may strive for excellence. The difference between the two is that while what is perfect cannot be improved upon, what is excellent may yet be surpassed. For instance, 80% is excellent but 85% is even more excellent.
When someone mistakes excellence for perfection then s/he easily falls prey to such failure syndromes as "analysis paralysis", "aim, aim, aim but no fire" and so on.
This misconception can be remedied by a simple wholehearted resolve to do the very best that you can and then systematically fine-tune your performance on each of the known factors that contribute to your desired excellent result.
#2 - Thinking that excellence is too difficult to attain
I would clear up this misconception by asking a question: "Is it easier or more difficult to do something the right way or to do it the wrong way?" Of course, finding the right way to do something makes it a cinch. It becomes easier.
The difficulty in the attainment of excellence is not in the effort it takes compared to mediocrity but in clearly grasping the idea or finding the right attitude or the right approach to the task in question. Once you "get the hang of it", once you have the spirit, all else follows. Once you get caught in an upward spiral of excellence there's no telling where you might go.
Henry Ford, the great American industrialist, nicely summed up this fallacy when he said, "If you think you can, or if you think you can't, either way, you're right."
#3 - Fear
The fear of failure and its attendant embarrassment or humiliation holds many back from striving for excellence. Others are as equally held back by the fear of success and the attendant responsibility to meet higher standards and higher expectations.
Well, the cure for the fear of failure is to see failure as part of the learning process. Take to heart the wise words of the Chinese sage Lao Tzu "Failure is the foundation of success, and the means by which it is achieved... " The only real failure is the failure to try or the failure to try again after having failed.
You can overcome the fear of success by exercising faith in your vast untapped potential. Realize that your present attainment reflects but a tiny fraction of your possibilities. For you, "the best is yet to come."
#4 - Striving for excellence sometimes, in some things
Excellence is not a gown that you can put on or take off whenever you like. It is either you commit to excellence at all times, in all things or you fail to attain it at all.
This is because as the Greek philosopher Aristotle wisely observed, "... We are
what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit."
This mistaken notion can be corrected by the realization that the quest for excellence is an "all or nothing" affair. You are either a complete disciple of excellence or a full-time devotee of mediocrity. There is no middle course here.
#5 - Not letting go
You cannot successfully be a creator and a critic at the same time. Taking yourself too seriously only leads to inhibition and poor performance.
The way to overcome this mistake is by cultivating a sense of humor, a child-like playfulness, which lets you laugh at yourself. This unlocks your creativity and lets you discover hidden talents and aspects of your personality you never dreamed you possessed.
You let yourself go in order to give an inspired performance. Ask any virtuoso instrumentalist - they do their best when they "play" their instrument, not when they "work" it (that can only result in a mediocre performance).
#6 - Procrastination
Waiting for the perfect time to commence your quest for excellence is a deadly self-imposed limitation that can cost you years of your life - because no time ever seems to be just right.
To overcome this misconception you must realize that where you start does not matter as much as where you end up. So begin anyhow, in whatever situation you find yourself.
Your outer condition is often a reflection of your inner attainment. As you progress and grow in excellence you'll naturally attract many advantages and find yourself in improved circumstances; whereas, if you wait for those improved circumstances to be yours before you begin your quest for excellence - you'll probably wait forever.
It's like the ancient riddle of the chicken and the egg - which came first?
#7 - False modesty
Some folks have a mistaken notion that it is presumptuous to openly commit to the quest for excellence. This may be due to the fear of humiliation if they don't succeed.
While it is prudent to pursue excellence in a systematic way, yet it is not wise to be content to fly low rather than soar. Such false modesty can never beget genius.
To such folks who are held back by a false sense of modesty I'll pass on the famous words of Marianne Williamson:
"... Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."