The Body as a Temple of Worship
God really loves you. He wants to live with you and in you. The Bible says that God breathed into Adam, the first man, the breath of life. You have God's breath in you, whether you believe in Him or not.
Even after the Fall of Man, after God had expelled Adam and Eve from the perfect Garden of Eden for their disobedience, God still wanted to dwell with us, in spite of our sin. So, when He called the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt, He chose to demonstrate His desire to live in and among His children by dwelling in a tabernacle meticulously constructed and full of rich symbolism.
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He said in Exodus 25:8 'And let them make me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them'. What follows in the next few chapters is a very detailed instruction manual for building a perfect portable temple that would house the very spirit of God, the creator. But that temple, house, tabernacle, or tent would also have to be perfectly clean and well kept, for God is worthy of the best of our rooms.
If anyone professes faith in Jesus Christ alone for forgiveness of sins, and confesses Him as Lord, that person is forever a temple of the Holy Spirit. As I Corinthians 3:16 says, 'Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in You? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.' This is pretty strong language coming for a loving God, is it not? So why is it so important to keep the temple clean? Here is the reason. Because God is holy and perfect, His temple must also be holy and perfectly free of any perversion, dirt, evil, destruction, uncleanness, or ungodliness.
How does all this relate to diet and lifestyle? It is a perfect parallel to how God wants a clean vessel to inhabit. He wants us to maintain a near perfect vessel, our physical body, for His habitation. We are presented to the world first as a physical body, then as a person with a heart, soul, and mind. Although no one can BE perfect, because we are infected with a sin nature (Romans 3:23 'For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.), we must strive every day to confess our sins and admit our uncleanness so that God can clean our house. 'If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.' I John 1:9.
If we really want to glorify God with our bodies, then we must be a living sacrifice, a well-kept temple. That is, we must present our body on the altar of service to God, holy, clean, healthy, pure, and full of life. All of the sacrifices in the Bible were spotless lambs, goats, doves, bulls, etc. All of them were full of life, clean of violence, never diseased. And so must we strive daily to clean up our bodies, to beat them into submission, to provide healthy food and beverages for them to thrive and look healthy, and to guard them from impurities and poisons. With Bible study and prayer we keep our minds, hearts, and souls strong and healthy. With food and beverages, we keep our bodies strong and healthy.
In the history of the Jewish people, God's chosen ones, we find that the temple of God grew increasingly polluted finally to the point where God's spirit left it and it was totally destroyed. Because of impurities that were let into the temple God left it to destruction. Because of impurities we let into our body temples, health leaves us and our bodies are destroyed. Because we trust in doctors, medicine, surgery, radiation, and the like to correct our mistakes, we leave God out of the temple cleansing business. Why not go back to Him for the correct fuel for keeping these miraculous bodies fit and healthy?
Marilyn and I believe that we should return to the original healthy diet of Genesis 1:29 in order to keep our bodies fit as temples of the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. God's first diet of fruits and vegetables is still the healthiest diet on earth. For more theology on body temples read my book, 'Winning the Battle for the Body', available on our web site, at Hallelujah Acres, LifeWay Christian Stores, or on Stay tuned to this blog and our web site at for training and education on how to keep your body fit as a temple of worship to our God. Find us on Facebook and join us on the wonderful road to health and long life for the Lord. May God bless you.
Even after the Fall of Man, after God had expelled Adam and Eve from the perfect Garden of Eden for their disobedience, God still wanted to dwell with us, in spite of our sin. So, when He called the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt, He chose to demonstrate His desire to live in and among His children by dwelling in a tabernacle meticulously constructed and full of rich symbolism.
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He said in Exodus 25:8 'And let them make me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them'. What follows in the next few chapters is a very detailed instruction manual for building a perfect portable temple that would house the very spirit of God, the creator. But that temple, house, tabernacle, or tent would also have to be perfectly clean and well kept, for God is worthy of the best of our rooms.
If anyone professes faith in Jesus Christ alone for forgiveness of sins, and confesses Him as Lord, that person is forever a temple of the Holy Spirit. As I Corinthians 3:16 says, 'Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in You? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.' This is pretty strong language coming for a loving God, is it not? So why is it so important to keep the temple clean? Here is the reason. Because God is holy and perfect, His temple must also be holy and perfectly free of any perversion, dirt, evil, destruction, uncleanness, or ungodliness.
How does all this relate to diet and lifestyle? It is a perfect parallel to how God wants a clean vessel to inhabit. He wants us to maintain a near perfect vessel, our physical body, for His habitation. We are presented to the world first as a physical body, then as a person with a heart, soul, and mind. Although no one can BE perfect, because we are infected with a sin nature (Romans 3:23 'For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.), we must strive every day to confess our sins and admit our uncleanness so that God can clean our house. 'If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.' I John 1:9.
If we really want to glorify God with our bodies, then we must be a living sacrifice, a well-kept temple. That is, we must present our body on the altar of service to God, holy, clean, healthy, pure, and full of life. All of the sacrifices in the Bible were spotless lambs, goats, doves, bulls, etc. All of them were full of life, clean of violence, never diseased. And so must we strive daily to clean up our bodies, to beat them into submission, to provide healthy food and beverages for them to thrive and look healthy, and to guard them from impurities and poisons. With Bible study and prayer we keep our minds, hearts, and souls strong and healthy. With food and beverages, we keep our bodies strong and healthy.
In the history of the Jewish people, God's chosen ones, we find that the temple of God grew increasingly polluted finally to the point where God's spirit left it and it was totally destroyed. Because of impurities that were let into the temple God left it to destruction. Because of impurities we let into our body temples, health leaves us and our bodies are destroyed. Because we trust in doctors, medicine, surgery, radiation, and the like to correct our mistakes, we leave God out of the temple cleansing business. Why not go back to Him for the correct fuel for keeping these miraculous bodies fit and healthy?
Marilyn and I believe that we should return to the original healthy diet of Genesis 1:29 in order to keep our bodies fit as temples of the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. God's first diet of fruits and vegetables is still the healthiest diet on earth. For more theology on body temples read my book, 'Winning the Battle for the Body', available on our web site, at Hallelujah Acres, LifeWay Christian Stores, or on Stay tuned to this blog and our web site at for training and education on how to keep your body fit as a temple of worship to our God. Find us on Facebook and join us on the wonderful road to health and long life for the Lord. May God bless you.